9. (Requested) Thaluke x Charlena

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A/N assddkfnfdidjnsksb aaah long time no see sry for slow updates! Btw this one shot is requested by Blue_berry_any -ThaliaGrace-_  and fxirytxless ! Hope y'all like the mashup tho!

Thalia's POV

A week has passed since the war. Everyone was grieving, including me.

        Why, you would ask.

          He was the only reason I smiled, the reason I laughed and he was my everything. He was my only family when I was thrown out by my biological family. He was my reason I could even survive at that time. He was my only friend, besides Annabeth.

           If only he was here, everything would be alright.

           But it isn't, because he's not around anymore. I have to live with it. No more laughter, no more joking around. He was the only one that could make me laugh, smile, cry, and and even trust.

             *flashback when they both first met*

  "Who are you? If you're a monster, I will kill you!"
" it's ok, I'm not a monster. I kill monsters too! I'm Luke, and I'm finding a place to stay."
"I'm Thalia."
"Nice name!" We both chorused.
I laughed and I saw Luke for the first time. He was grinning and yet he looked nervous at the same time.

                        *flashback ends T-T*

      That was our first encounter with each other.

      Based on what I remember.

      If you would've told me that in the future he would die, I would have laughed and said he won't.

      I cherished his presence; now that he's gone, all I feel is his absence.

       I felt warm tears flowing down my cheeks until it trailed on the bottom of my chin, until it reached the bottom of my neck. I didn't even bother to wipe it away.

        After the war, I locked myself in my cabin and didn't bother to go outside. My only source of food was Annabeth sliding food and water through the window. I just couldn't accept Luke dying.


           "What is it? Don't bother me Annabeth."

               "Who's here? Chiron? Some Apollo camper? Whoever it is, ask him to go away."

                "Thalia, it's me."

                 No way. No fucking way. Luke's dead and thinking of him can't help you.

                  "Thalia, it's really me. Luke, remember?"

                   "LUKE'S DEAD, DUMBASS."

                   I felt a fresh wave of tears flow down my cheeks but again, didn't bother to wipe it off.

                    "Thalia please! We came through the doors of death, and I only have one week!"

                     "Stop talking nonsense and GO AWAY!"

                     I refused point blank to accept that he died and came back to life.
                      That doesn't make sense, does it? I mean  I clearly saw him die, and now he shows up on my cabin porch.
                     For two days, I refused to go out.

                      Until he, being the son of Hermes, picked my cabin lock.

                        I was still crying at that time, when I heard my door open.

                        There he was, looking as if he just woke up.

                         I was still shocked, okay?

                         I then did the most sensible thing.

                         I slapped him.

                         Across the cheek.

                         Then I kissed him.

        Imagine slapping your friend to check that he isn't an illusion, then kissing him because you can't bear to lose him again.

                          Plus, I really missed him.

Silena's POV ps let's just assume she didn't die

              It's been a rough week. I cried, ate, cried and ate the whole week. It became almost a routine, until Charlie came back. Me bring me, was sad and scared that it was only a prank, didn't bother about it.

            Until one day, I could not resist myself to see whether Charlie returned or not.
              In fact, he did.

               Along with others.

               I thought it was just an illusion.

               Until I kissed him. In front of everyone. Shamelessly.

                I really did miss Charlie.

                But what really mattered was,
                 He did, too.

A/N sry for such a crappy ending, tbh I don't even know how to end it sryy
         Anyways tqsmmm for 500+ reads!
         Hope y'all liked this chap, pls leave a vote, comment and follow me for more!
       Ilygsm, thanks bye!

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