5. A Fight with Friends pt.2

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A/N: OMFGGG I'M SO SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING!!! My schedule is packed, so I didn't have time to type it out! And yes! This is a part 2 for the previous chapter! I'm sorry if this chapter is a bit crappy, and if any grammar mistakes, just tell me and I'll correct it! 

Annabeth's POV

                   I watched as a young boy around my age charged the drakon with a bronze sword. He and Luke tried to take down the monster by stabbing the drakon's chinks in its armour, but it only seemed to anger it.

                    I wanted to help them but Thalia said: "Stay here Annabeth. DO NOT MOVE." I had no choice but to obey her. I decided to help them.

                   Four versus a drakon isn't too bad to go down fighting,  I thought. But I noticed something was missing. Oh gods, where is the other boy?  I saw Thalia and Luke fighting for their lives, but where was the dark-haired boy? Immediately, I saw his motionless figure slumping on a lamppost.

                    I ran towards him, hoping that the drakon wouldn't notice me. I managed to drag the boy to one side and dug in my bag for ambrosia squares and some nectar. Don't ask me where I got it. Luke's father gave us three duffel bags full of those weird food. 

                    I fed the boy some ambrosia and I studied his face. He had dark, soft raven hair that was very messy in a very cute way. I had to resist the urge to run my hand through it. Excuse me Annabeth what? Slowly, his eyes fluttered open and I was met by a pair of sea green eyes that I could look in forever. What the hell Annabeth?  Why are you thinking of this when Luke and Thalia is out there fighting? "Wha- What happened? Who are you? Did we win?" He said all of this so fast I couldn't register his words. "Um, I'm A-Annabeth Chase. Nice to meet you." "Thanks, Chase for saving me. Um, sorry for talking nonsense. The name's Percy Jackson. Without you I wouldn't even be here. But now we have bigger problems." He said, pointing to the drakon. I glanced at Percy and said: "Together?" He nodded and we charged.

Bonus part:

Percy's POV

          The drakon flicked its tail towards me and I did not have time to duck. I flew through the air and smashed against a lamppost.  Big fat OOF. After that, I blacked out.

           I woke up to a warm tingle through my body. I opened my eyes to see the blonde haired girl looking down at me. She had beautiful stormy grey eyes and honey blonde hair. I said  something (which i should not) that might've frightened her because she looked shocked. Percy, have some manners. This attractive *ahem* lady just saved you and you are spouting nonsense. I apologized, and stood up. Somehow, all of my broken bones are healed. Annabeth took her dagger out and said: "Together?" I nodded and we charged. Together.

A/N: hi i'm so sorry for not updating for so damn long! pls forgivs moi! Anyways thank you all for reading this lame-o chappie! Don't forget to vote, comment what you want and follow! ilygsm! 💖 💖 💖 Thankyou for reading!! Feedback appreciated! Enjoy your day!


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