6. Truth or Dare

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A/N: okay y'all thank you so much for 300 reads! I though maybe just y'know, 10 reads, but 300 omgs I am shocked! So I decided to update another chapter, (also becoz I haven't updated in a long time. I am so sorry for that. Okay enough of my ramble and let's start.

Ps: the tittle is Truth or Dare

Percy's POV

             Piper just invited us over to her house saying she wanted to throw a party at 6. Well, I wasn't complaining. I was extremely bored, and needed something to take my mind off perimeters and trapezoids. I hate homework. Wish I had Annabeth to help me with it. Kinda miss her though. (Don't  tell her I said that!)

"Percy! Come down here! Your blue snacks are ready!" I leapt from my bed, and walked from my room to the table. I inhaled 90% of my mom's blue chocolate chip cookies in an instant. (A/N: woah buddy chill chill) "Percy, you gotta leave some for me and Estelle! Next time, i'll bake lesser for you!" "Sorry mom, couldn't resist it." I grinned at her. "Can you bake more for me to bring to Piper's house?" " Sure BUT MAKE SURE YOU DON'T EAT THEM ALL!" "Okay mom okay."

            As my mom continued baking cookies, I head upstairs again to lie down on my bed. I didn't expect it but sleep came faster than you can say 'blue cookies'. The next time I woke up, it was a quarter to 6. Piper said we all have to come punctual, so I decided not to be late. I pulled a dark blue sweatshirt over my head, put on some jeans and took a big jar of my mother's blue cookies. "BYE MOM!" I yelled before heading out.

                                                           * TIME SKIP TO PIPER'S HOUSE *

             "Hey bro." "Hi Percy!" "Sup dude!" I was greeted by the Seven, Calypso, Nico, Thalia, Luke and Will. "Everyone was waiting for you seaweed brain." I grinned. "But I came here on time!" "Yeah, and everyone came 20 minutes ago." "Well if you all are complaining about my time of arrival, I won't share my cookies!" All of them groaned. They loved my mom's cookies.

Percy: 1
The rest: 0

                 "Hey Pipes, why don't we play some games?" "Can you give any idea of what to play?" "Don't worry, Leo knows what. WE ARE GOING TO PLAY TRUTH OR DARE!" Piper facepalmed, Annabeth groaned and Thalia spit out the drink that she just drank. At the end, after Leo getting a slap to the face, everyone agreed to play.

                  "Piper, since you are our host, you start." "Sure." and she grinned evilly at me. "What?" Me being the seaweed brain, just asked Piper to start the game and now Piper is going to choose me. "Percy, truth or dare?" I thought for a bit and replied: "Um truth then." Piper smirked and I knew I was in deep sh+t. "Percy, do you admit that you would like to go on a date with Annabeth?" OH NO. I knew i couldn't trust Piper, because I told her that I wanted to date Annabeth. Shit. I scratched my neck nervously then said: "Well- Um- y-yeah." I swear at that moment I really just wanted to be swallowed up by the ground and save me from the embarrassment right now. "Okayy Perce, your turn. Pick someone. " I looked around then picked Thalia. "Truth or dare Thals?" "Dare." "Okay then." I thought long and hard, to come up with something, then- "Okay Thalia I dare you to hug Luke." I knew she had a crush on Luke since she was escaping with Annabeth and Luke. Her face literally turned crimson. She hesitated, then sent me a death glare, and hugged Luke. "Ok Thals your turn." "Annie, truth or dare?" "Dare." This time, Thalia smirked evilly and eyed me and Annabeth. Oh no. "Annabeth I dare you to kiss Jackson." This time, I knew i was done for. "Why me THALS?" I asked her. She just smirked. Annabeth walked towards me, blushing, (I knew I was blushing too) leaned in towards me and I felt her lips touch mine.



NO way. My crush since 11 just kissed me for the first time and I felt tingles even after she broke away. After that, I didn't pay attention to the game anymore. My brain felt jammed. I couldn't comprehend what just happened. I guess it's just the seaweed brain in me. Later, my mind had an internal war happening.

Annabeth probably likes you!

no way

yes way

what if you kiss her and she pulls away rejecting you? It will only make things worse!

But what if she likes me?

she has called you an idiot remember?

But i think she likes me!


'Shut up.' I told myself. Then I realize i had said it out loud. Annabeth glanced at me. I didn't realize she had sat next to me. "Seaweed brain, are you alright?" "Yeah I'm fine, nothing to worry about." I replied her. I don't know if it was my impulsive mind or something else,  (Annabeth probably knows the term) but I just leaned down and kissed her lightly.

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