Chapter Fifteen

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*Mathew's POV*

What a fucking day. The judge ruled against the firms motion. We lost a huge case and all eyes were on me for messing up the fucking case.
Not to mention the numerous times my phone went off in court because of this needy bitch! " I'm hungry, I need to go shopping, where are you, is your needy wife bugging out about this weekend plans, I need my hair done and I need my nails done too. Mattyyyyyyyyyy.
Fuck this bitch is annoying.
I called nicole while on a recess in court and that bitch ignored my calls. I'm over today! I need a stiff drink and my cock sucked. That's not happening anytime soon because here comes the lead attorney on the case.
" Matthew I want every file on the Jones case on my desk within the hour. I want you to go over every phone record from the last year on his account and mark all calls from his employers. This appeal is happening because of you not doing proper research. I'll see you later. Don't think of leaving till it's completed !" " FUCKKKK". My weekend plans are shot.

I send a txt to Jessica telling her off about her needy ass interruptions. I tell her to sit her ass at home till I contact her.

I send Nicole a message letting her know about the hearing and I'll be home late. Not that I need to explain myself as she's grown over the few weeks to understand I control the house and her. It's been working out good so far.
I begin remembering how I made her suck my cock after I got home from Jessica. I held her head tight and deep throated her letting her savor Jessica's fluids as I told her how I fucked Jessica earlier. Then in the morning I fuck Nicole. I get to work and watch Jessica suck Nicole's juices off me. Jessica wants it like that all the time. My filthy pet. Nicole isn't so eager. She doesn't have a choice though. So she better get used to it and begin enjoying it. I'm going to move Jessica into our home so I can have both of them when I want. I'm tired of traveling and wasting money on an apartment for Jessica when she can just stay with nicole and me. Fuck my dick is hard and I have to work.
I decide to send a quick txt to both my women. Mmm I like that. A dirty one and a proper one.

To Nicole ; I'm moving Jessica into our home tomorrow. Prepare and make sure she's going to be accessible and comfortable there. This is going to be so good for us babe.

To Jessica; pack your shit pet. Nicole and I are moving you in so you can be both our pet and nicole can finally play with your pussy anytime.

There, but I don't hear back from nicole. Jessica of course sends me the cat with heart eyes emoji. Such a good pet.

It's been two hours I'm finally finished.
Still nothing from nicole. Figures she's probably pouting moving shit around for our semi permanent guest.
I txt Jessica I'm on my way and that I'll be staying over to move her in tomorrow. She sends me a nude mmmm she's so much fun.

I'm exhausted I've had my way with Jessica since arriving. Since she quit working at the firm she's more accessible to me. She does anything I tell her. Except shut up.
" mattyyyyy. ". She whines
" what " I say as I throw my arm over my face.
" I think I want a baby." She purrs
I almost fell out the bed.
" the fuck you want a baby for and with whom?"
The disgust isn't hidden in my tone.
" you silly, I want to give you a perfect mini us!" She smiles.
" wasn't and isn't part of the deal pet. "
She sits up a little to fast so I know it's to protest.
" why? What's wrong with us having a baby. You have one with her. So I want one too!"
" she is my wife. You are a pet. You get taken care of financially. I don't need anything from you except your mouth tits pussy and ass. I get to spoil you with money don't make it awkward. " I say calmly as to not get her crying again. Fuck I hate crying females.
She's huffs as she gets out the bed and goes to the bathroom.
Hmmm easier handled than I expected. I actually believed she would keep whining about the subject. She knows her place my perfect pet.
She exits the bathroom as I'm sitting up looking at my phone. Where the fuck is Nicole why isn't she replying.
Just as I go on the find my iPhone app, a box gets dropped on my lap by a very angry looking woman. I look down and read the box. If this is what I think it is I'm going to have a heart attack. It can't be. She's got an iud. We've been fuxking for months with no concern.
" this better not mean! " I'm cutoff by a txt incoming from Nicole.
Just as I'm opening the txt to read her " yes dear" response as I assume. One word is there just as Jessica yells "Surprise" I read the txt from Nicole "BYE".

I know what Nicole's txt means. She's left me. God dammit this stubborn woman!
Jessica is yelling at me and I can't hear a word. I look up and see her mouth moving but I can't make it out. I shake my head. My hands are trembling. " this is happening I'm going to be a mom. You have extended your bloodline !" Blah blah. What the fuck this is all too much. I stand up and say I gotta go. Jessica begins her usual whining but I get dressed and walk out. I arrive to the dark house. No light on. No welcoming home that I've had for years. There's a hollow pit in my stomach. I walk in turn on the lights but all the furniture is there still hmm I go to the kitchen and again it's all there. Maybe she's asleep I take the stairs one by one because deep down I know she's not in our bed asleep. I opened the kids room and their beds are empty. Maybe they are at their grandmas. Okay that's reasonable. When I open my bedroom I see it. I feel it. Emptiness. She's not in bed. Her closet is empty. I ran to the bathroom empty is her side of the sink. I grab my phone "where are you and the kids ?"
Her reply is quick.
Here is my attorneys name and number you can contact him. Papers will be filed first thing Monday morning. Don't harass me this will be my only request. Please let's be civil for the sake of our kids. You're free !"

I throw my phone and fall to the floor. I was doing everything for the sake of our happiness otherwise we would end up like Laura and Jeff.
Funny. Because here we are just like them except my mistress is pregnant.

Counting The Lies.  Book 1 in The Betrayed Saga Where stories live. Discover now