30. Epilogue

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— three years later —

     Standing out on the deck of the Winged Shadow, Jillian took a deep breath and stared out to the infinity sea, her arms bundled together supporting a smaller figure wrapped in a blanket.

     "See, Sue?" The captain spoke, her voice rich with warmth. "The fog is settling. The stars won't be visible for much longer."

     A series of gibberish that held half-formed words was the response she received.

      She smiled down at the baby, continuing to cradle her. "A shame really. For us pirates, stars bring good luck."

     Those bright green eyes stared up at her face with such wonder, an expression that so often awed the woman. Her daughter seemed to hold more intelligence than she let on, especially for a child of three years.

      Jillian tapped the girl's nose, humming thoughtfully. "Maybe when you're older, I'll tell you the tale of the sea." A pause. "Or maybe the tale of your father and I."

     "Did I just get summoned by my wife?"

      Jillian gave a chuckle, turning with the baby in her arms to face the Spanish captain leaning against the wall. "Indeed you did."

     That smirk crossed his features as he pushed off and walked closer to them, the baby reaching for him with her stubby arms. He took the weight from her arms and she sighed and stretched them out.

     "The stars are very beautiful." She murmured.

       "I can die happy," He said in response in which she raised a brow. "What? Never heard of the phrase?"

      "No, I haven't actually."

      He snorted and cradled Sue in his arms as the baby reached up and grabbed his face, yanking him closer and then slobbering all over his nose. He cursed colorfully and held the child at arm's length.

     Jillian giggled at the sight, turning her attention back to the sea as a gentle breeze cooled her skin. She could smell the sea spray and took comfort in it, seeing Saebeorht circle above them calmly.

     "She clearly gets it from you, Idiot." Jill told him without turning to face him.

      "Lies. It's most definitely from your side."

     "Excuse you," she glanced over her shoulder with a snort. "I'm not the one who stalked me for months on end. You were basically drooling over me since before we met."

      "—a minor admiration, and besides, who else would have saved you? You would have died fifty times if it weren't for me."

     "Thirty of those times were your fault."


     She gave him a long look, turning back and taking Sue from his arms before cradling the small girl and smiling.

     She felt his strong arms wrap around her after she turned her back to him, and sighed in mock annoyance.

     His deep voice cut through the night air. "You're mine, Swan."

     Jillian leaned her head back so it rested on his chest, staring up at the stars. "Always."

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