017. Frozen Terror

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Jillian couldn't move or breathe in that second.

     She didn't realize she was crying either. Slow streams of water dripped down her cheeks and she wiped them with the back of her hands.



     He couldn't be here. He couldn't be here. She had to be still asleep. This wasn't happening.

     "Miss me?" Ramiro sneered down at her, although he did tilt his head to the side. "Why're you all shaken up like that?"

     "I—You—How are you here?" She choked out. "That dream . . . You . . ."

     "What dream?" Ramiro raised an eyebrow. "Just what the hell are you babbling about, girl?"

     So it wasn't real . . .

     It was a lie . . .

     But he was still here . . .

     "What are you doing here?" She demanded instead, trembling.

     "I came to visit of course."
     "Get out."


     Jill was seething at this point, shoulders shaking with both fear and anger. "What do you want from me?"

     "To talk I guess."

     "Then talk. But don't come any closer."

     "Your crew is smaller than I expected," He pointed out. "Not that many people." 

     "That's your fault." She hugged her arms and looked anywhere but at him.

     A smirk played on his lips. "Maybe so. But I apparently didn't kill that many."

     Jill shuddered slightly. "It's a good thing you didn't." She couldn't imagine what it would have been like if he'd actually made sure of it her entire crew was dead. She wouldn't be back on her ship at that moment. She'd still be held a prisoner and tormented every second.

     "Tell me, Swan," he stepped closer. "How much do you love your crew?"

     She hesitated for a moment, sinking her teeth into her lip. "Why do you ask?"

     "Don't answer a question with another question."

     "I—" Jill's eyes flickered around the room nervously. "Very much . . . with all my heart . . . what exactly are you planning this time?"
      The captain of the foreign ship smirked slightly. "Nothing, just a simple question to pass the time. No need to be so skittish."

     "The answer is never nothing," she hissed softly. "You tried to kill my sister when she was talking to me."

     "I kill anyone who gets between me and what's mine."

     "She's only eleven! And I'm not yours!"

     "Why would I care about her age?" He inquired, though his voice was not laced with the usual threat. "She was in my way, I threatened her. You're lucky that blade didn't slice across her throat."

      "You're insane." She bared her teeth, moving her hand discreetly to the tattoo of her spirit animal, so he could sound the alarm.

     "Oh I'm well aware," He purred. "I believe I'll take my leave now. I can't just stand around here all day."

     "Crazy stalker," she growled, shaking slightly.

     The captain gave her one last pointed look before he slipped away into the shadows and out of her sight.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧 𝐒𝐞𝐚𝐬 𖥸 𝙎𝙥𝙞𝙧𝙞𝙩 𝘼𝙣𝙞𝙢𝙖𝙡𝙨Where stories live. Discover now