011. An Escape Route

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It had to be about three in the morning. The sun was down and the sky was illuminated by many stars. There was no moon today.

     As Wendy crept out of the tiny room she had been provided, her footsteps soft and her breath shallow, she could see Saebeorht perched on the floor as if he had waited the whole night for her.

     The Magnificent Frigatebird was watching her closely as his crimson chest jutted out like a balloon. His sleek black wings were curled up as he prepared to take off into the sky to lead her to her destination like his partner had asked him to.

     Wendy had retired early, complaining about hunger and fatigue when in reality she needed to wake up at a certain time everyone would be asleep at. It was the only time that was perfect for an escape. No one would be up at that time, or so she thought. She absolutely hoped that was not the case.

     As much as it pained her to leave her eldest sister behind, she knew she had to get help. They couldn't just escape, they'd only just be hunted once more.

     Saebeorht wisely didn't make a noise as he spread his wings and took off, slow enough for her to follow him. He began to lead her down the hallway and Wendy held her breath, keeping her footsteps absolutely silent. She couldn't make a single noise or else she would get caught.

     She weaved her way down the shadowy path in absolute silence feeling terrified for her life. The farther she went, the more she could sense her spirit animal.

     Simba was close, and she was going to find him.

     Saebeorht stopped abruptly and clicked his beak as Wendy padded slowly towards the locked door. It was a miracle she had snatched the key without being spotted. It unlocked softly and creaked as she opened it, causing her to halt for a moment to listen for any movements of the crew awakening.

     Nothing. Absolutely nothing. Not even a single stir.

     With a breath of relief, the girl stepped through the doorway. Where was he? With his golden fur and small build, Simba wouldn't be impossible to find. But in such a dark room like this . . .

     Wendy really wished she had brought some sort of light with her. She couldn't see a thing in the pitch black room.

     Her teeth sank into her bottom lip in both anticipation and fear as she slowly padded towards the left, trusting her senses to lead her to her spirit animal.

     She could faintly hear the waves of the ocean as the ship rocked, but she paid it no mind. Her spirit animal was the only thing she was focused on.

     Once the both of them were out, they'd find Ammiras and come back to get their sister out of this place.

     Her heart throbbed at the thought of her sister, the one who had sacrificed her very essence to ensure that Wendy made it out alive. To both protect her and by her time. With the captain distracted, she could slip away very easily.

     How could she live with this? How could she live knowing she had left her sister behind? No. She couldn't think about that. Focus on this mission at hand. Feeling guilty would only slow her down and give the crew a better chance at catching her.

     Something cold and wet dripped down her cheeks - tears - and she wiped them away with the back of her hand. She had to be strong. She had to do this for her sister's sake. There was no time to cry and waste time.

     A soft shuffling drew her attention as she walked towards the corner. Her heart leaped to her throat. It was Simba! He really was there, and he was alive too.

     Her hand slipped through the barred cage and made contact with fur. Simba's ears twitched in reply and with a flash of light, he disappeared and became a tattoo on her collarbone of a leaping rabbit. It illuminated the room for a split second, but she was already making her way out of the room as slow as possible.

     Hopefully no one saw or heard her.

     Softly stepping towards the mast, she caught no sight of the shark. Had it been called into passive state?

     Or maybe it wasn't . . .

     She started to reconsider. How could she possibly make a dashing escape while being chased by a shark?

     Her mind raced and she hesitated, pausing as she took a moment to study the sea. As if her prayers had been answered, there was a passing ship just up ahead. It seemed to be sailing for them?

     No matter. It was still a passing ship and a bid for freedom she'd gladly take. She couldn't just waste time standing around.

     If she jumped now and swam fast enough, she could reach it. Then she could find her brother and get their sister out of this damned place.

    But the shark . . .

      Wendy pushed the thought out of her head. This was her only chance. She couldn't mess this one up or they were doomed for sure.

     With a deep breath to regain her composure, the girl leaped into the sea and swam for dear life.

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