Chapter Thirty

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The doors swing open and I hear our names announced over a roaring crowd. The room is filled with candle light and enormous floral arrangements all throughout the room. The air is sweet and full of joy. All the guests look so regal in their attire and masks. It's like I am in a dream. Liam extends his hand to mine and I rest mine on top of his as he escorts me out to the dance floor. My heels click against the white marble and the crowd disappears and all I can see is him.

We start the traditional dance that I have been training for, for weeks. I was so worried I would trip and get the steps wrong is not a worry in my mind now. I flow through the dance as if my body has taken over and already knows what to do. It feels as if we are dancing on a cloud all alone. All I can concentrate on his Liam's glorious smile and the way he his looking at me with pure joy. As the song ends we stand there just gazing at one another with grins on our faces. We are brought back to reality when the high priestess Angelica puts her hands on our shoulders. Her silver hair twinkles in the light with her warm smile. She gestures for us to take our seats. We oblige and make our way still smiling at one another.

She clears her throat and begins to speak.
"Family and friends, we gather here tonight to celebrate the bounding of these two special souls. When I first met Liam he was a little boy. So shy and innocent.I knew instantly that he was meant for great things.I had the pleasure of watching him grow into this fine man we see today. I am excited to see how he progresses as the king we all have waited for. Now, Lillian I have not known for that long but I could tell that she is meant for greatness as well. For she is also a very special soul. She is going to move mountains I sense it in my bones. As some of you may heard the rumors about this couple I am here to tell you they are true and better days are coming for our people. I was honored to bring these two souls together not too long ago. For this bound is like no other we have ever seen before.They have a connection like no other. I raise a glass in hope and prosperity to the new couple. And my they be an ever lasting reminder of love and hope."

She raises her glass as does everyone else in the room and cheers to us. I am so overwhelmed as I see my family and Liam's family finally getting along and enjoying the merriment. As I scope around the room I see Finn and make my way towards him. I tap him on the shoulder. He turns to me with a smile.

"And when did you get here?" I ask placing my hands on my hips.
"Well hello cousin!" He leans in for a hug.
"Where have you been Finn?"
"It's a long story D. I know I should have reached out to you but so much has happened."

"Short story?"
"Short story is Midge and I eloped."
"What?" I jump back.
"Yeah. I know it's crazy. I should have told you but it all happened so fast." 

"Where is Midge? She' around. You'll see her later."
"Are you happy?"
"Happiest I've ever been. Things are finally making sense now. I don't know how to explain it."
I lean in to give Finn a long embrace. I am so happy that he has found someone. It warms my heart. And with Midge. I hope he knows what he has gotten into. As we pull apart and Finn instantly notices the huge ring on my finger.
"So it happened?"
"Yeah and it was so magical! Wait you knew?"
"Hello! I'm married to Midge!"
"What else did she tell you?"
"All in good time cuz all in good time." He laughs. "I see my sister has been coozying up to your friend there." He points over to Sam dancing with Erin.

"Yeah I think they would be good for another. Only thing is they live in different countries." I sigh.
"Don't let that fool you."
"Oh? Do you know something?"

Finn just looks at me.
"Why do I even bother asking anymore?" I say crossing my arms.

"I am sworn to secrecy cousin. But just know everything is for a reason." He stops and his look turns serious. "Everything tonight. The good and unfortunately the bad."
"The bad? Finn is something bad going to happen?"

Bound: Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now