Chapter Twenty-Two

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I lay there mesmerized but his chest moving up and down with each breath he takes. My fingers graze over his chest hair back and fourth as he lays there sleeping with my head on him. So much on my mind but focused on his chest. It's so peaceful to not think of anything else but his chest. It feels as if the world has stopped for a moment.

"Morning love." He says opening his eyes and pulling me in closer. I laugh.
"It's afternoon."
"Is it really?" He says rubbing his eyes.

"Yeah we didn't got to bed till around 4 am."
"That's right."
"No coffee delivery today?"
"Oh no. I told the staff to not disturb us today. I've got you all to myself.We're not leaving this room." He says kissing me.

"Why are you so evil?"
"I'm not the evil one here! I told ya you're the devil." He smiles. I glare at him.
"Okay okay. I'll order up your coffee. Actually are you hungry?" 

"Yeah kinda." I shrug.
"Alright food too. It was a long night. But you owe me."
"Oh yeah?"
"Yeah." He winks.

He turns on his side and grabs my waste and starts kissing my neck. "Oh I see. But if we start this our foods gonna get cold and we're never going to eat."
"That's fine by me." He says moving his lips to my collar bone.
"And you say I'm the devil."

I can hear him laugh as his lips move down my body. The rest of the day went on like this. Making love and feeling each and everyone of each others movements. It felt like the ocean moving against the shore line. We were in perfect motion with each other. Each position brought a new pleasure. I have never felt like that before. He was like a drug. I wanted more of him each time. By the end of the day I was too tired to do anything but lay there. Trying to grasp the concept that I was going to feel this incredible feeling every time I was with him. 

The next day started as usual. Morning coffee. Liam heading off to a meeting after his shower. And me stuck with Clara and a guard. Back to my new reality. I decided to spend the day exploring the garden. Of course Clara did not approve of the attire I wore to the garden. But, she had to eventually agree with it. I feel better when I'm dressed in my normal clothes.

I entered the gardens main entrance to a tunnel of purple wisteria flowers. I felt magic from the moment I entered. My pace suddenly slowed down as I took it all in. I thought my mothers flower farm was enchanting but this, this was more than my widest dreams. 

I feel my phone vibrate in my back pocket. I pull it out to see I have a message from Sam.

Leaving tomorrow to come see you and this mansion!

Yes!!! I can't wait. I'll have them pick you up from the airport. Send me your flight information.

Oh! Are you sending the limo?
This is nuts!
Tell me about it Sam. Can't wait till you get here. Same.

"Clara, we need to arrange for a pick-up at the airport tomorrow for Sam." 

"Oh! Samuel is coming so soon?"
"We've arranged this for sometime. But yes. It's just Sam and he is coming tomorrow. I'll send you the flight details."

"Very good."

Just then I had this warm feeling come over me. My body started heating up. I start fanning myself with my hand.
"Anyone else getting really hot?" I ask.
"No it's rather cold out today. Are you feeling alright?" Clara says concerned.

"Yeah just really warm."

"Oh no I hope you're not coming down with something. We better get you back inside and have the doctor take a look at you."

Bound: Book OneTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon