Chapter Nine

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           I head over to Sam's place suitcase in hand while I figure out my next move. As I enter his apartment it's clear that he's a bachelor. Empty beer bottles. A coffee table filled with empty wrappers, video game controllers, and stale pizza. When was the last time he cleaned in here? I start to clean Sam's apartment because at least it will get my mind off of things and give me some clarity. Hours later and two trash bags, I hear Sam open the door.

"You cleaned didn't you?" He says disappointed.

"Well yeah because it was pretty clear you haven't in a while." I say with a sassy face.

"Anyway." He rolls his eyes. "I got the best thing that will cure your woes. Pizza and beer!"

"It's also what you live on!"

"Yeah cause it's the best." He walks past me to the kitchen.

I don't mention to Sam about the box. I don't want any chance of it getting back to my mom. Sam and I talk over the whole scenario and what my next steps should be. I agree it's time to get a place of my own and separate myself from her. I need my own life now even if she disagrees with who I am seeing. Sam lets me know they are looking for a secretary at the firm and he could throw my name in there. I have enough money saved up to get by for a couple of months. And Sam doesn't mind that I stay with him till I find a place.

I know Liam feels bad about causing this drift between me and my mother. But it really is't his fault that she's being a complete psycho. She just needs to stop thinking he's going to turn on me and show his true colors and be like my dad. I'm not even fully sure what my dad did. It must have been big in order for her to feel this way. My phone rings. Finn? He never calls.


"Dahlia?" He says frantically.

"Yeah what's up you never call."

"This is not news I wanna text you... It's Aunt Tess."

"What about her. I know I know I haven't called her yet but I will. Things have just gotten so cra..."

"Dahlia, she's dead." The line goes silent. I let this sink in and realize what Finn just said.

"What?" I say in shock.

"She got into a car accident and well... she's gone." Finn starts sobbing into the phone.

"Oh my god Finn." I just listen to him cry and try to find the words to comfort him.

She wasn't my cup of tea but I knew Finn loved her. I can feel his heart breaking from over seas.

"I'm so sorry Finn." Is all I can manage to get out.

"I just can't believe she's gone." He says trying to calm his tears.

"Can I do anything?" I ask to comfort him.

"I... no it's ok." I can hear the hesitation in his voice.

"Ask Finn"

"Would you come here. I think the family would like to be with you at a time like this. And I need you too."

"I dunno. It's so last minute... Let me think about it. Okay?"

"Yeah sure."

"I love you Finn." I say heart broken for him.

"Love you too cuz."

I end the phone call just dumb founded. The only person that held they key to all of this is gone. Well, Finn knows but only part of it and he wanted her to tell me. Ireland, maybe all my answers are there. Maybe it is time to go. I have the time and kinda the money now. But the ticket will cost a fortune. Sam enters the room and can tell by my face that something is wrong. I tell him about the call with Finn. Sam leans in to hug me and comfort me.We hear the door creek open.I turn around and see Liam entering the apartment causiously.

"Whats wrong? Is it your ma?" He asks stepping slowly towards me.

"No, my aunt Tess died."

"What?" He says stunned.

I explain the whole situation and that Finn has asked for me to come to Ireland for the funeral. To my surprise he agrees that I should go back. He offers to go with me and pay for the tickets. I couldn't possibly let him pay for the tickets after only knowing him for a little over a month. He assures me it's not a big deal but to me it is. We finally come to an agreement that I would pay him back. He purchases a one way ticket to Ireland. Not sure of how much time we would need. And me not having a job, I can take my time to get to know my family. He assures me that his work will understand because he told them there was a death in the family.

Good thing my stuff is already packed. We leave tomorrow. I'm nervous and scared to go. This is all happening so quickly. I'm not sure what to expect when I get there. I haven't seen my family in over 10 years. I don't even remember most of them. And to drag my new boyfriend into this. It's a lot. I spend the night at Liam's place to make traveling easier for us. Another night in his arms. I can't complain. It's there that I am soothed.

Deep into sleep and a nother nightmare about Elizabeth and Conor strikes me. This one more intense.I could feel the sweat dripping down my forehead. But it was different. They were in a wooded area under the cover of night. Confessing their undying love for each other. But then I can see Elizabeth sneaking back into the castle. It's there that she is met by these strange men. She's trying to get away.Fighting them But they catch her. She fumbles down the stairs and smacked around. I awake and I can feel a bruise across my face. I rush to the bathroom.Looking at my face frantically up and down.I'm in disbelief. But there is nothing there. What happened and why do I keep dreaming about them?

I turn around and Liam is there leaning again the bathroom door watching me.

"Another bad dream?"

"Yeah. I could feel it this time though." I say shaking.

"What was it about? That story again?" He moves closer towards me.

"Yeah. It's so weird!" I scrunch my face trying to remember.

"That's gran for ya. She's been putting stories in our heads since forever."

"But the dream felt so real!"

"Darlin' it's just a dream. Nothing more." He assures me. "Come on we have to get ready for our long flight." He puts his hand our for mine.

I pause for a moment and gather myself and my thoughts.


"Yeah?" He drops his hand.

"Do you think I'm crazy?"

"No, not at all. Like I said it's just a dream.We all have em.Now come on we have to be at the airport in an hour."

"Ok let me just text Finn the information. He wants to pick us up from the airport."

"Ok. I'll just have Colin pick me up from Finn's. Shouldn't be too far from where lives."

"Oh you're not staying with me?"

"Do you want me to? I thought you could need sometime alone with your family first.I don't want to intrude"

"Yeah your right. So am I going to meet the famous Colin along with your other family?"

"Maybe." He says timidly.

"Maybe?" I jerk back.

"Of course you are! I wouldn't take you all the way to Ireland and not have you meet them silly girl."


We pack our bags and get ready for the long journey ahead. We won't arrive in Ireland till early morning the next day. I don't bother to tell my mother because she will just try to tell me not to go. I do tell my sister in the hopes that she will keep her mouth shut. I need to do this for myself and figure out what secrets my mom has been holding back from me. 

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