Chapter Twenty

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      I hear Liam come in the room. He sits on the bed next to me. "Love?" He says quietly.
I don't respond.
"Love, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to yell at you." He gets quite waiting for me to say something. "Colin just started a war with me."

"What? What do you mean?"
"I know this is going to end badly." He says shaking his head and looking down at his feet.
"Liam." I say sitting up."What is going on? What did he say?"
"Love you're better off not knowing. But I think Colin is planing to take everything away from me...from us."
"I don't understand."
"Just let me worry about this. But I need to keep you safe. I have security outside of the bedroom and extra at the gates. I don't want you going anywhere alone. Okay?" He says looking me dead in the face.
"Yeah but if..."
"Lillian I want you to promise me you won't go anywhere without security. I mean it."
"Ok I promise Liam."
"Thank-you." He stares back at the floor. "You have to understand Colin is a broken man. He has no soul. Nothing is off limits to him. Including you." 

"He's a married man."
"He doesn't care. He didn't marry her for love." He scoffs.
"I feel bad for Deirdre after seeing how he acts around her."
"I honestly don't know how she puts up with him. And now they have a baby on the way."

I lay my head against Liam's shoulder. And rub his arm. "I'll always protect you. Even if it is from my own family."
"I know." I whisper to him.

The next day I can't believe my eyes as they show me all three dresses. They sparkle like diamonds. One blue, one silver, and one white. The white dress is simple yet elegant with ostrich feathers covering the bottom skirt. The silver dress is done in a very regal Jackie O style but updated. And the blue dress, which might be my favorite of them all, is a silk sweat heart neckline with a mermaid skirt. Tiny silver specs are all through out the dress like a Starry night.
"You've done a magnificent job." I say gushing over each dress.
"Almost forgot. Your cloak." She says gesturing to her assistant.

She hands me a crushed blue velvet cloak with a jewelry clasp. "You'll be needing it tomorrow night for the ceremony."
"It's suppose to snow tomorrow my dear. Wouldn't want you getting cold."Clara adds.

A knock comes to the door. It's Alfred
"Mam there is a Finneas here to see you."
"Finn is just fine, again." Finn says barging his way into the room. "Ladies." He tips his hat.
"FINN!" I yell and run towards him giving him a hug.
"So when were you going to tell me?"
"Im sorry I've just been so busy."
"It's alright. Liam of all people filled me in. He knew I was getting worried." 

"Sorry." I say embarrassed.
"It alright. I'm use to being the last to know."
"Crap! I didn't call your dad and aunt Catherine."
"They know I told them. So expect a call or two."
"Are we done?" I ask Clara.
"Yes mam. Where are you off to?"
"I wanted to show Finn around the castle."
"Ah! Yes. Let me call a guard for you." Alfred suggests.
"A guard? Fancy." Finn says
"It'll be ok Finn is with me."
"We have direct orders mam." Clara corrects me.

As soon as the guard gets there I show Finn around catching him up on everything that has happened. Of course I'm asked a million questions I've answered before. I invite Finn to stay for dinner so that we can talk more. I feel at home now that he is here and I have nothing to hide anymore. He and Liam have seemed to forgot about their tiff and are buddy buddy again. We keep refilling our glasses with wine while Finn tells Liam some of my embarrassing childhood stories. It's coming to the end of the night and I can see Finn is in not state to drive home.
"Finn stay here tonight. We have plenty of room" I suggest.
"Yeah ya DO!" He hiccups.
"Wow you're more gone than I thought."
"I'll get him to the room." Liam offers
"You're such a good guy! He's such a good guy Lillian. I can't believe I hated you." He slurs his words stumbling over to Liam.

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