Chapter Twenty-Nine

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I blink my eyes open and roll to my side. I stretch my arm out across the silk sheets and notice that Liam is not there. I immediately sit up in bed confused. He doesn't have meetings today. Where could he be? And how do I not know. I reach for my robe and wrap it around my body letting out a long yawn. My feet hit the cold floor that shocks me awake. I quickly look for my slippers. But they are no where to be found. I could have sworn I left them right next to the bed.

I slide off the bed and look underneath and all round the bed. No where to be found. I make my way to the bathroom as I have a busy day ahead of me. Instantly opening the door I see him in all his glory standing in the shower. I can't help but to stop dead in my tracks and stare. Just taking him in and realizing he is all mine.

"I can feel you having un natural thoughts about me." Liam says with a dastardly smirk finally noticing I'm there.
For a moment I forgot that he could feel when I'm turned on. He has that effect on me.

"Oh well yeah I mean..." I shake my head getting myself back into reality." I can't! I have so much to do today."
"You can't?" He says stepping out of the shower and wrapping a towel around his waste. "Or you won't?"

"Liam, please I really can't. I have to meet everyone in the salon in an hour and I haven't even showered."
"Well I can help with that. Knock out two birds with one stone."
He starts softly kissing me on my neck. Teasing me into submission. "Liam" I moan with annoyance and pleasure.

"I know I know. I'm the devil. But, I kinda like it sometimes." He laughs into my ear.
"Ok but we have to be quick!"
"Oh darling you know I don't do quick." He says slowly disrobing me.

"I mean it...I only...I only have an... Jesus" I say loosing myself as he kisses his way down my neck.
"Well, you're all mine for an hour so just let go." He softly whispers moving me into the shower.

As soon as I step out of the bathroom I see eyes judging me.

"Miss Fern! You are already an hour late."
"I'm sorry Clara it's my fault." Liam apologizes laughing.
"Well Liam in the future I hope that you keep in mind her schedule as well. This little randevu is going to put us back so much. And your hair is wet! We do not have time for this today."
"We'll get everything done Clara don't worry." I assure her.
"Well we better get to it to make up for lost time." Clara says walking away. "Duty calls my love." I say giving him a peck on the lips.
"Hey." He grabs my wrist and pulls me in. "I'll see you tonight Miss Fern."
"Can't wait." I smile as I breath him in.
He lays a kiss on my forehead and then I am off to start my day of beauty.

After a day of plucking, waxing, dying, and beautifying it is finally time for the ball. My maids help me slip in to my first of three dresses. The zipper makes it up the last decent of the silver lining. I look at myself in the mirror. Not only is this dress shimmering with every light that is picked up on it but the shape the it gives my body is unbelievable.

"Dahlia I've never seen you look so..." Violet searches for the words. 

"Beautiful?" I ask looking at myself in the mirror.
"Exquisite is the word I was looking for."
"Thanks. I just can't believe it's me."

"Same." She laughs.
I look over and give her a disapproving look.

"And me?" I turn around to behold my sister standing there in an elegant gown.
"Ok you look 22 and I'm not ok with that."
"Really? They did a really good job. And this dress!" She says as she twirls around.

I look at her up and down twirling in this black lace gown and can't believe how grown my baby sister looks. But at the same time I still see that four year old that wants me to play tea party with her.

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