Chapter Twenty-Eight

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My favorite part of the day is having coffee with Liam after our morning routine. It's the calm before the storm moment in the day. It's the one point in the day I feel like I'm in a normal relationship with him. We don't talk about politics, our families, or any drama going on. Just us. Alone in our morning room simply drinking coffee and asking each other silly questions.
"So if you could have dinner with anyone dead or alive who would it be?" I ask taking a sip of my coffee while Liam rubs my feet.
"Ooo good question. I don't know I haven't really thought about it." He ponders looking at my feet laid across his lap.
"Well who's someone you would love to talk with?"
"I guess Michael Scott."
"The guy from the Office?"
Liam laughs "Oh no. He's an architect. He created the Opera house in Dublin. Very beautiful. I'll take you one day."
"You love building. Do you ever think you'll still do it?"
"Yeah I'd love to. But will I have the time is the question. So, same question."
I take a deep breath. "My dad."
Liam stops rubbing my feet and leans back. He turns to me with sad eyes. "Lillian I didn't mean to."
"I know but that's my answer. I would have liked to have really known him. All I know of him are stories."

Just then a knock comes at the door. "Come in." Liam hollers.

"Sorry to disturb you so early. I know you said to not disturb you before 10 am but..."
"Ok on with it Lewis." He says waving his hand.
"A letter came for you."

"Lewis I get a lot of letters. Why are you delivering... wait...there would only be one reason why you would be giving me a letter." Liam jumps from his seat lifting my feet and almost making pour my coffee all over me.
"Yes Sire. It's that letter."

"What? What is he talking about?" I ask.
Liam grabs the letter from Lewis's hands and starts smiling and raising his hand in joy.

"Shall I make the arrangements?" Lewis asks.
"Yes! Yes! Absolutely. Obviously after this weekend. But yes.." 

"Hello? What is going on?" I stand up and demand.
Liam and Lewis look at each other with a smile. Liam turns to me and hands me the letter. I read it over and my jaw drops.
"You're officially king?"
"Well not till the crowning but on paper...YES!" He grins.

I wrap my arms around him and feel a huge weight lift off of us. Finally, we can move forward and get rid of Devin. This means so much to the both of us. This is getting very real now and I feel happy and scared at the same time. Things are about to get interesting and I'm unsure if it's a good thing or a bad thing.
"Such joyous news! We must plan for the coronation today." Lewis exclaims.
"Yes, we'll have to make introductions to the country of Talio first."
"Of course sire. I will leave you for now."
"Thank-you for bringing the news."
"So king of Talio how does it feel?" I ask.
"Great! Now just to get the ok from the other countries."
"How many are there?"
"Just 3 so far."
"More to come! What will be your first decree?" I ask.
"Another good question. My first decree right now is that you get back in our bedroom for another morning routine." He smiles.
"You have a meeting in 30 minutes."
"I'm king now. They can wait." He says pushing me back into the bedroom.

I clean myself up and start my day. Not only is Liam having an exciting day but my baby sister will be here today. I can't stop smiling from ear to ear. Going through my wardrobe I'm not sure if I should glam it up or play it down for her. I get caught up and remember the last time I saw her. It's been months. I can't recall being away from her for more than a week. Even in my rebellious days.

I meet Sam for breakfast in the dinning room. I need to go over the details with him since he's the one that arranged everything.
"Well, I see you went glam today." He says resting his hands on his hips before sitting down.

"Yeah she always likes when I dress up because I don't do it too often." 

"Now you do."
"Believe me I still hate the heels. So, what time will she be here?"
"Noon. But here's the thing. She has no idea that you live here. She just thinks you're here visiting family. I wanted to leave it up to u to explain it all to her."

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