Chapter 23~Settling In~

Start from the beginning

Thomas' POV
       Our stop off of the bus wasn't long from where Y/N and Aris got off. A small black structure stands outside the doors of the bus. Gally, Minho, and I stare at the small building comparing it to the nice apartments Y/N is staying in. "This is really where we're staying?" Minho whispers to me and Gally. I look over at him without a clue. This place could be many things. Weaponry, meeting building, training headquarters. "Initiates." General Tucker Cunningham starts off as the bus with the farming recruits slowly drives off. "Follow me."
We follow the leader into the small black box of a building. As soon as we walk in, I notice it's just a one room building filled with bunk beds... but there are already people in here. Belongings on the beds and the once talking recruits quiet now. "Get comfy. Until you are assigned duties as official guards of the city, this is where you will be staying. These are recruits from other cities." The general announces. I stare from face to face, getting more and more intimidated. Most of them are big and muscular starting at us like we're in the wrong building. "I'll let you fellas get to know each other then." General Cunningham states before walking back outside of the small building. The guys start talking to each other again as we stand here watching them. Laughter fills the room as they talk in their specific groups. "Come on. Let's get some beds. I have a feeling they don't have any extra if they all get taken up." Minho suggests taking the lead. Minho sets his stuff down on the top bunk. I pull my backpack off setting it down on the bottom one as someone else aggressively does the same. "This spots taken." Someone growls. I look up to see a guy with dark brown hair and tan skin glaring me down like I'm his next meal. I don't say anything. He's quite good looking. Tall and muscular. Hazel eyes and semi curly hair. "Hello?! Did you hear me?! This bed is taken." He repeats himself in an angrier tone. Out of instinct, the smart ass side of me starts to emerge. "Hmm." I say looking around. "I don't see your name on it." Inside my mind, I'm cursing myself to the ground. Why do you have to be an idiot. He's going to kick your ass. "What did you say to me." Pretty boy questions with disbelief walking towards me. I notice his two friends backing him up. One with blonde hair into a mullet, another with dark skin and curly black air into a slight afro. Our faces become inches apart as I stand my ground. "I said I was here first." I argue as I feel Minho and Gally's presence behind me. "You've got some real balls for a ginger." Pretty boy mentions as I almost forgot I have a disguise on. I feel Minho hit me slightly in the back. "Dude, it's not worth it. We'll just find a different spot." Then mullet starts to speak. "Yea listen to the Asian. They're supposed to be smart." I start to feel the fire coming out of Minho's ears. I pick up my backpack purposefully showing aggression. "Let's go." I state walking away as I hear Gally and Minho's footsteps behind me. "That's what I thought." Pretty boy grunts before setting down his stuff. I place my back pack on the bottom bunk across the room from those three. Minho throws his above mine, and Gally on the bottom bunk to my right. Suddenly Emmanuel tosses his back pack on the top bunk above Gally's. I watch Gally's face becomes red in anger. This lifts my spirits a little bit.
It's been a couple hours. We're not allowed to leave at the moment. The general says he wants us to 'get along' although everyone is mostly staying in groups. Gally and Minho have been talking for the majority of the time. I've been laying down starting at the bottom of the top bunk, listening to their conversation and some other ones around the room. Suddenly, a slight static fills my ears. The sound is so faint, I can't really tell if it's real or just in my imagination. "Thomas." A voice speaks, it too sounding fuzzy. "Minho. Someone." The voice speaks again when I realize what it is. The walkie-talkie. I guess Minho and Gally hear it too because they frantically get up to help me find it. It's in one of our suitcases. Trying not to bring too much attention to ourselves, we pull each suitcase out from underneath the bunks looking for the communication device that could potentially get us caught. Minho rips open his and sees the black box facing speaker down into the clothes. I look around making sure no one is looking. I grab the walkie and I put it up to my face pushing the button. "Y/N. You can't walkie us. I'll explain later, but don't do that again." I whisper trying to act normal. Minho and Gally use their bodies to shield me from other people's vision as we are ducking between the two bottom bunks. "Ok. Is there any time we can meet?" She questions sounding more quiet which I'm thankful for. I look up at Minho as a worried expression washes over him. "Maybe sometime later. Why? Is everything okay?" I frantically question trying to keep my voice down from the other guys around us. "Yes. Everything is fine. But-." She starts but doesn't finish her thought. "But what?" I question. "Okay look. Do you see where the sun is in the sky right now?" Y/N asks. I shove the walkie in Minho's hand before standing up and peaking through the small window between our bunk beds. Luckily, the sun is facing the direction that our window is in. I take the walkie back from Minho crouching back down between the beds. "Yes I see the sun." I reply wondering where she's going with this. Gally stands up taking look out the window for himself. "Good. In that direction, there is an abandoned warehouse against the wall of the city. Meet us there at 11 o'clock. Curfew is at midnight." She speaks as I look at Gally and Minho for answers. Suddenly Minho takes the walkie. "We'll be there. But why that specific place." Minho interrogates staring at me waiting for an answer. The communication device goes completely quiet for a second. Then Y/N says something that catches me off guard. "I think we found our way out of the city."

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