Chapter 25

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Sienna's POV:

As soon as I finally reach the alleyway that Timmy entered, I find him knocked out cold on the ground. Before I can scream for help, a gloved hand is gripped tightly over my mouth. Whoever grabbed me spins me around so I'm now facing them. They're wearing a ski mask, as well as black gloves and all black clothing.

"I'm going to move my hand now," he says, and I swear that voice is familiar. "And you're not gonna say or do anything, okay?"

I nod quickly as he takes his hand away. He must notice me looking around for a possible exit because he says calmly, "you can try and run, but I guarantee you wont get very far."

He then pulls a gun from his waistband to prove his point.

I look down at Timmy only to see blood dripping down the side of his head.

"Your boyfriend doesn't look too good," says the masked-guy.

"Shut the fuck up!" I scream at him.

"Are you sure you wanna be saying that to me, hm? I could easily end your life in one second if I wanted to."

"Take your fucking mask off, coward!"

He laughs.

"Only because you asked so nicely, sweetheart."

When he finishes taking it off, my jaw is on the floor.

"Did you miss me?"


Memories started rushing through my already damaged mind. Memories of when I was with Casey during my time at my old school. Memories I tried so hard to forget. The time I was over his house for thanksgiving and I got him mad and he "accidentally" pushed me down the stairs. Or when he accompanied me to my first party, got drunk (even though he was way underaged, it didn't matter to him, though) brought me to a room where we were alone, and hit me over the head with a beer bottle after I interrupted him when he was talking to his friends. All these memories are rushing into my mind, and I'd do quite literally anything for them to stop.

"No," I say, almost too shocked to believe it.

"Yes," he responds.

"No, Casey. This isn't fucking funny. What the hell are you doing? You're supposed to be dead!"

"Why yes, I can understand why you as well as everyone else thought I was dead. But, obviously, I'm not," he says while smiling.

"Why are you doing this?"

"Well," he starts, "I've been watching you for quite some time now. And in that time, I've noticed that you got yourself a new boyfriend," he points to Timmy. "Terrible taste, might I add."

He aims the gun he's been holding at my chest.

I think I hear something coming from where Timmy is knocked out, but I'm too afraid to move. 

"So the answer to your question is quite simple, actually. My dear Sienna, if I can't have you," he says as I watch him turn the safety off, "no one can."

I shut my eyes, preparing for the worst, as the sound of a gunshot ruins the silence of the night. 

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