Chapter 24

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Timmy's POV:

4 years later:

Sienna and I are out of college. Sienna and I are still together. My brother still doesn't remember me. Not much has changed.

Ever since my mom told me that John was diagnosed with amnesia, I have been determined to make him remember me. We've tried almost everything, but I still have hope. I can't give up on him. I won't give up on him.

Sienna somehow managed to convince me to go on a trip with her to Greece. This is the first time I've been away from my brother since the accident.

I will admit, my obsession with trying to make my brother remember me has affected my relationship with Sienna, but that doesn't change the fact that I'm still so madly in love with her. I'm never gonna fall in love with anybody the way I've fallen so deeply in love with Sienna.

Thankfully, this trip is only for a week. Don't get me wrong, I adore and am so thankful for every moment I get to spend with Sienna, but being this far away from John worries me.

What if he suddenly remembers everything and I'm not there to help him through it?

I'm trying to enjoy my time here, though. I know how much Sienna loves Greece, and I love seeing Sienna happy.

The week mainly consisted of us walking around and taking as many pictures as we could. Sienna was smiling the entire time and as a result, so was I.

Today is the last day of the trip, and I'm unsure of how I'm feeling.

We were walking back from dinner when I noticed Sienna looking very nervous.

"Is everything okay, Kornhaber?" I ask sincerely.

"Yeah, everything's fine. I just wanted to ask you something," she replies.

I nod and she continues.

"So I know today is the day we leave. And I know that I enjoyed this trip so much and I really hope that you did too. So I was thinking, maybe we could move here? And live here together."

I laugh. Out loud. For some reason, I can't stop laughing. I laugh and laugh as I ask, "you're joking, right?"

When the nervous expression on her face doesn't change, I ask again, more serious this time.

"You're joking, right?"

She just shakes her head, and I can't even find it in me to laugh anymore.

"Oh my god. You're actually serious. No, I can't believe this. You know how much John means to me and you want me to move here and give up on him?"

"You moving to Greece with me has nothing to do with giving up on your brother!" she shouts.

"Greece isn't my home and it never will be. My home is back in America with John and the rest of my family and friends!" I fire back.

"We've been together for five years, Torubarov! Is it so absurd for me to think we should live together?"

I don't answer her. I just storm off, not caring if I seem immature. I know that Sienna is following me, and I couldn't care less.

After a few minutes of me just walking and Sienna yelling at me to stop, I find myself in an alleyway.

I take only two more steps forward before a punch is thrown at my face.

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