Chapter 17

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Timmy's POV:

Another week has passed. Another week of me getting no sleep. Another week of me missing school. Another week of Sienna fighting for her life. Doctors have been rushing in and out non-stop. They don't answer me when I ask how she's doing. I don't know if she's getting better or getting worse.

No one seems to understand why I've stayed with Sienna all of this time, not even Maddie or Aiden. They don't understand how desperately I want Sienna to wake up. They don't understand that I don't hate Sienna. They don't understand that I've never hated her in the first place.

There's not much I can do. It's not like I have any power over when she wakes up, if she wakes up. I'm slowly losing hope. But I'm not going to give up on her just yet. I can't.

5 days later:

I can't. I can't do this. I haven't seen any doctors yet today and I have no idea what's happening with Sienna. I grip onto Sienna's hand and squeeze it more harshly than I intended to. After taking a few deep breaths, I feel a bit more calm and in control.

My eyes stay focused on Sienna. I'm gonna be honest, I don't know if she's going to be okay. Water pools my eyes and I start feeling nauseous just at the thought of this.

I'm about to leave the room to get myself together but before my hand even touches the door knob, I hear a noise coming from the bed. I turn my head and notice the small movements of Sienna's body and the fluttering of her eyelids. I quickly make my way back over to the bed as she fully opens her eyes. She stares at me for quite some time, examining my features in a way she's never done before. She must've noticed the tears slowly dripping down my face as she moves her hand closer to me and gives me a slight smile.

I lace my fingers through hers and return the smile as I sit back down in my chair.

"Hey," she says quietly.

"Hey," I say back. I never noticed how much I actually loved the sound of her voice until now.

"Where am I?" she asks.

"You're in the hospital."

"Hospital? W-what happened? Where's Maddie? Why-"

"Shhh, try not to talk," I say when I hear the struggle in her voice with every word she says.

"You were in a car accident," I answer. "You've been in a coma for almost three weeks. Maddie is at school but she's coming back soon."

She nods before yawning.

"Try to get some sleep," I suggest. "I'll come back later."

She keeps a tight grip on my hand as I try to stand up.

"Stay," she says softly. "Please?"

"I'll be back. Let me just get a doctor and tell them you've woken up."

"Promise you'll come back?"

I sigh before smiling a bit.


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