Chapter 9

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Sienna's POV:

What the fuck am I doing?

I, Sienna Kornhaber, was driving to Timmy's house, to help him. What kind of parallel universe was I living in? I hate him, I really do, but somehow when I heard that Zacharia was only asking him out for a dare, I couldn't help but feel sorry for him. Sure, I might hate him but I have morals, you know.

I got to Timmy's house, and tried to knock on the door, but nobody answered. I tried to open the door, but it wouldn't budge. I thought about just leaving and letting him go on the date, but something inside me told me to stay. I looked up and saw Timmy reading at his desk, which conveniently enough I could see through his balcony window. Oh no no no no. This can't be the only way up. But it was, so I decided to just go for it and find a way up there. I looked around and went towards his garage as I assumed it must have a ladder in it. An alarm box right next to the garage caught my attention. Shit, there's a code. I tried out the basics; 1234, 0000, 1111, but obviously, they didn't work. The only other thing I could think of was his birthday, April 5th. 0405. It worked. Holy shit. It actually worked. The only reason I know his stupid birthday was because me and that stupid kid had a stupid fight about a stupid test on that stupid day.

It was April 5th, as I stated previously, and Timmy and I were receiving our test grades for our last psych test. I, as per usual, was confident that I had scored highest in the class. I had studied all night as well as in between my classes that day.

Mr. Fahey walked around with the big stack of papers, handing them back to everyone in the room. He gave both me and Timmy a warning glare as he delivered our papers back to us.

I turned mine over immediately, as there was no point in being patient. It read:


That's pretty tough to beat, Torubarov.

I tried to contain my excitement as I spun in my seat to meet Timmy's gaze. Timmy didn't even try to hide his amusement as he turned his paper to me and kept it there until the reality of his grade fully sunk in.

100%. He got a fucking 100.

"Damn, well Happy Birthday to me," he says laughing.

I just glare at him, clearly not in the mood to argue.

"Aw c'mon, Kornhaber. Turn that frown upside down! You got a 99! You should be so proud of yourself," he said in a childish tone.

"Would it kill you to shut the fuck up?" I whispered angrily towards him.

"Oh no, Sienna cursed at me! I'm so scared," he says mockingly.

I roll my eyes. "You're a personified wet sock. Forget shutting up. Would it kill you to have some interesting, redeemable qualities?"

"I have plenty of redeemable qualities, thank you very much. First of all-" Timmy started but was interrupted not soon after.

"Mr. Torubarov, Ms. Kornhaber. If I had a dollar for each time you've disrupted my class with your relentless arguing, I'd have a much better job than I do right now. Detention after school, both of you," Mr. Fahey exclaims.

Great. Lucifer's offspring got me a fucking detention.

That was my first and only detention, making April 5th an unfortunate and unforgettable day.

Anyways, I entered the garage, grabbed the ladder and carried it to his balcony. It probably wasn't the smartest thing to do, but it's what I did so deal with it.

I set the ladder up and walked each step until I was on top of the balcony. It didn't take long for Timmy to notice me and his face held an expression that was a mix of confusion and annoyance. Nonetheless, he opened the window and let me inside.


"Okay, I know that this is gonna sound crazy, but you have to listen to everything I'm about to say. I know you're going out with Zacharia tonight, but you can't. Yes, I overheard you talking to Aiden in class today, but I also overheard Zacharia talking to Vicky after school. Zacharia was dared to ask you out. She doesn't really want to go out with you she's just playing you and she doesn't care if she hurts you and-"

"Stop," Timmy cuts me off. "Just stop, Kornhaber. I know you hate me and trust me, the feeling is mutual. But just don't. Don't ruin this for me. I'm only going to ask once so listen carefully: shut up, leave, and let me have one, just one day where you don't ruin everything for me. Please."

In that moment, I should've laughed in his face. I should've insulted him and called him dramatic. But I didn't. I actually felt kind of bad. I released a breath and said to him, "Don't say I didn't warn you," before exiting out through the window and going down the ladder.

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