Chapter 8

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Timmy's POV:

I'm still trying to wrap my head around the fact that Zacharia asked me out. It was kind of strange, to be honest. I mean, I've only spoken to Zacharia about twice throughout all of the years I've been going to this school. I've never had any classes with her, and I didn't even think she knew my name.

I don't know much about Zacharia, but I do know her name. Everyone does. She's what most would consider a "popular girl." I also know of her best friend, Vicky. Aiden and Vicky used to be good friends, that is until last year.

It was the beginning of February, and the Valentines Day dance was approaching. This dance was different from any of the other ones, though. It was a girls asks guys dance.

Aiden was talking to me nonstop about how he thought Vicky was going to ask him. When I asked Aiden what he thought about Vicky, he told me that he had no romantic feelings towards her whatsoever and that he saw her as a little sister.

It was the day before the dance, and all of the tickets had sold out. Aiden was almost positive that Vicky hadn't gotten tickets in time. Aiden was wrong.

During lunch, Aiden and I sat together while Zacharia and Vicky sat together at the opposite end of the cafeteria. There were only 5 minutes left of lunch when Vicky started walking towards Aiden. She had two tickets, as well as a sign that read, "I know you only think of me as a sister, but let's go to the dance together so you can be my mister."

Saying Aiden looked mortified would be the understatement of the century. After he gave Vicky a simple 'no' for an answer, he exited the cafeteria taking me with him.

That was the end of whatever friendship Aiden and Vicky had as Aiden ignored her for the rest of the year and they haven't talked since.

Anyways, I'd be an idiot if I answered 'no' when Zacharia came up to me in the hallway before last period and asked to spend the night playing chess with me.

I'm home now, but when I told Aiden about it during psych class, he seemed very shocked, like it was the first time a girl has ever asked me out. But he said he was happy for me so I decided to not focus on his initial reaction.

Zacharia was coming over at 8:00pm, so I planned out what I would do before that to keep me busy. I decided that I was going to read for a bit before I did my homework. I also planned to study for my math test that's next week.

I went over to my desk after grabbing a book from my bookshelf. I sat down, turned on my desk lamp, and started reading.

Around 15 minutes passed before I heard a noise on my balcony. I turned my head to see what it was and... what the fuck?


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