Chapter 6

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Timmy's POV:

3 days later:

Aiden is sick.

Aiden is sick. Aiden is sick. Aiden is sick. Aiden is sick. Aiden is sick. Aiden is sick. Aiden is sick. Aiden is sick. Aiden is sick. Aiden is sick. Aiden is sick. Aiden is sick. Aiden is sick. Aiden is sick. Aiden is sick. Aiden is sick. Aiden is sick. Aiden is sick. Aiden is sick. Aiden is sick. Aiden is sick. Aiden is sick. Aiden is sick. Aiden is sick. Aiden is sick. Aiden is sick. Aiden is sick. Aiden is sick. Aiden is sick. Aiden is sick. Aiden is sick. Aiden is sick. Aiden is sick.

Aiden is sick and now I have to go to a mental institution with two infuriating, one much more than the other, teenage girls who probably belong there more than the actual patients do.

Considering these atrocious circumstances, I think of myself to be rather calm and composed. I've only insulted Sienna 10 times so far, but that probably has something to do with the fact that we all just arrived.

I don't wanna be here.

I try to stall the time by staying silent. I look at the window. I look at the door. I look at the vase of flowers atop the table in the corner of the room. I look at the woman at the front desk. I look at the papers next to said women. I look at Sienna. Sienna looks at me.

She looks like a fucking frog. "You look like a fucking frog."

"Watch your language, Grandpa."

I don't wanna be here.

After the project:

We didn't gather as much information this time as we did last time, and I would say it's because Aiden's not here, but I wouldn't wanna feed into his ego.

Although since Aiden wasn't here, I took it upon myself to observe both Alise and Sophia today. Alise informed me of her recent conversations with Angelina Jolie in addition to her conversations with Matthew Gray Gubler. Sophia unravels a new part of her repetitive dream. During this part, a new girl walks up to her as she exits the crystal shop. This girl steals Sophia's crystal as well as her tote bag. Sophia reveals that the girl is named Libby and she has an English accent. Sophia mentions how she finds this part strange since she believes her dream takes place in her hometown and she's never encountered anyone with this accent.

Maddie mentions to us how Lexi really appreciated the card we filled out for her and is now going to try even harder to overcome her addiction.

Finally, Sienna explains how she is making progress with Luna, since Luna has now spoken a total of 4 words to Sienna. All 4 words were used at the same time to form the sentence of, "Shut the fuck up."

I just laugh and question how on earth this is progress but Sienna is hopeful that she will get a nicer response out of Luna next time.

We are currently outside of the institution, discussing a few more ideas before we split and head home. My eyes remain on Sienna. She scans me up and down before rolling her eyes and turning slightly so her emerald green orbs now focus on Maddie. Five minutes later, and I'm still staring at her as she talks to Maddie.

"Why are you still staring at me?" she asks, obviously annoyed.

Why am I still staring at her?

"Well, now that you ask, I think I should be completely and entirely honest with you. The truth is, ninety percent of the time the very sight of you makes me want to commit murder."

"What about the other ten?"

"Make that 91%"

She rolls her eyes once more but I don't miss the slight smile that appears on her face before it immediately disappears, making me question whether or not it was just a figment of my imagination. 

Night ChangesNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ