Chapter 7

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Sienna's POV:

I smiled at him. He said something that wasn't even remotely funny and I fucking smiled at him. I'm sick, I'm sure of it. Aiden has somehow infected me and now I'm delirious. Yes. That's the only possible explanation as to why I'd smile when words exited his mouth.

Ok. Whatever. Fuck this. I'm home now, and I'm going to sleep.

The next day:

This school day seemed to drag on far more than usual, but I'm relieved when Maddie and I start heading towards last period, which is none other than psych. We walk inside and take our usual seats, taking notice of the fact that both Aiden and Timmy are already sitting down. I'm about to make a snarky comment to attract Timmy's attention before I realize he looks very serious while talking to Aiden. I don't necessarily understand why I feel the urge to eavesdrop on their conversation, but I do it anyway.

"Yeah, she just asked me out last period," he says to Aiden.

Did I hear that correctly? Why the actual fuck would anyone voluntarily ask him out?

Actually, that's not even the biggest question wandering in my mind. My main concern is, who the hell is she?

I continue to listen in on their conversation, until the name 'Zacharia' is mentioned. I have math fourth period with her. Saying she's a fake, manipulative bitch would be a major understatement. She's never done anything to me personally, but that doesn't change the fact that she's a horrible person. Now that I think about it, she and Timmy would be perfect together.

Psych class seems to go by fairly quick, as all we discuss are more objectives and expectations for the project. Unfortunately, Maddie had to go home early, but before I know it, the bell is ringing and everyone is exiting the classroom. I follow behind them into the hallway and then outside. I plan to continue walking until I hear the whiny voice of one girl in particular. Zacharia. Everyone else has already left, leaving only me, Zacharia, Zacharia's friend named Vicky, and Mackayla, who appears to be arguing with Zacharia. Mackayla is also in my fourth period math class and even though Zacharia is there too, Mackayla makes it less horrible. I don't catch what the two are arguing about, but Zacharia screams in annoyance and storms over to Vicky, meaning Mackayla has won whatever conflict was occurring between the two. Mackayla walks away proudly, and I move closer to Zacharia, still making sure to remain out of her sight.

"Can you believe her? I mean, seriously, who does Mackayla think she is?" Zacharia shouts to Vicky.

"Just forget about it, Z. Let's go back to my house." Vicky says.

"No thanks. I have a date to get ready for," she responds with a smile and a wink. "Also, my mom doesn't want me hanging out with you anymore. Says your severe origami addiction might rub off on me," she shrugs.

"Oh, shut up. You and I both know you're not actually going on a date."

"You're right. I suppose I don't have to go. The dare was just to ask Timmy out, and I did do that," Zacharia realizes.

Zacharia was dared to ask out Timmy?

I should feel happy. I should applaud Zacharia for setting Timmy up. I should want her to go through with her plan and I should want to see how it turns out. But all of those feelings I should be having are quickly overcome by a wave of rage.

I don't know why, but for some reason, I find myself immediately driving over to Timmy's house. 

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