Chapter 41: Redemption

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Song: "Spirits of the Dancers"

        Evie, her friends, and her family got comfortable in their hideout. Mateo could not travel through the night for the life of him. Ranger Krysta decided to get everybody up early the next morning.

Edger temporarily returned to Seranet to check on his people and pick up some food for the weary party. John the Red-Crowned Crane accompanied him. In the meantime, Ranger Krysta gave Keegan and Charlotte fire duty. They left together to search for wood. Both were reminded of Crows' Den. They had to get the firewood there, too.

Crystal turned to face Evie and her friends, looking as graceful as ever. "I'll be on lookout duty. If you hear me neigh, it means we need to move."

Evie gave the alicorn's shoulder a quick pat. "Good luck, Crystal."

"Thanks, Evie." Crystal rubbed her nose on Evie's side to illustrate her gratitude. "You guys watch over Mateo." She trotted away from the group and headed for some ferns. Tucking her wings, she buried herself the best she could.

With everybody pitching in to help, the camp was set up in forty-five minutes. The party sat around the crackling fire. Its orange glow showered on everybody's faces. A silver cooking pot hovered over it. Edger enjoyed using his magic for simple tasks such as these. Mateo was going to have chicken noodle soup for dinner, but the others feasted on some fish John caught. Well, the adults ate the fish, but Evie and her friends shared a pot of spaghetti and meatballs. Evie forgot how much she enjoyed them. It was always fun to have spaghetti and meatballs while camping.

Evie backed away from the fire when some of the smoke blinded her. She ate her spaghetti in silence, still trying to take in the fact that her parents hid the truth that she was a Gifted Human.

Poor Mateo was terribly cold. He lay on his front next to the flames, with his blanket over him, and shivered like a madman. Next to him, Maria pulled off her lightweight, purple sweater, revealing her black, short-sleeved shirt. She put it over Mateo, but he still shivered. The fingertips of his right hand rested on the bottom half of the mask.

The moon's rays shimmered through the hideout's treetops. They allowed the party to easily see each other.

Maria glanced at the fire. She was silent for a minute, and then she said, "I think we need more firewood." She rested her palm on Mateo's forehead.

As expected, John was the first one to speak. He puffed out his feathers to make room for an extra layer. "You've got that right, Maria. I'm mighty chilly myself."

"Really?" Maria smirked. "Then why don't you do the honors, John?"

"Wait, you're serious?" John nervously peered into the dark forest. "There are dryads out there, Maria. Wolves and bears. Na hah, I'm good."

Maria crossed her arms. "Strange, I would think this wouldn't be a problem for a brave adventurer such as yourself."

At the sight of the confrontation, Evie and her friends laughed a little. Edger, Evie's parents, and Krysta merely continued to nibble on their fish.

With Maria's words, John perked up. "'Brave adventurer'? Thank you, Maria. I am honored."

Maria removed her hand from Mateo's sweaty brow. She cocked her head. "I'm sure you can fight off any dryad, wolf, or bear that tries to attack you."

In a confident voice, John said, "Oh, I sure can." He stood tall. "All right then, Maria. I'll go get that firewood." He gave her a quick bow. John passed behind Evie and her friends and vanished into the overgrowth.

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