Chapter 11: The Witch Doctor

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        Paperblank Village was silent. Most of the villagers had gone to bed, but Ms. Julie was still awake. Inside Evie's group's cabin, she sat at the table reading a book. The children were sound asleep in the loft. They breathed silently. The sound was so soothing that Ms. Julie started to doze off. However, she quickly shook her head. She just flipped to the next page in her book when the cabin's door opened.

"Mateo? Evie?" Ms. Julie shut her book. She set it on the table and turned in her seat. Sure enough, Mateo and Evie were back. "Evie!" Ms. Julie leaped to her feet. She hurried to the two and clamped her hands down on Evie's shoulders. "Why would you run off like that? Why?" She spoke in a whisper because she didn't want to wake Evie's group members.

Mateo tugged Ms. Julie's shoulder. "Where's the pony?" he asked. "Evie promised she would take me to see a pony."

"What?" Ms. Julie was beyond confused.

Mateo let her shoulder go. He skipped around the cabin and pulled out the toy box from the couch. He flipped it open and gathered the Legos. "Watch me, Ms. Julie. I'm going to build a race car."

"What's wrong with him?" Ms. Julie whispered to Evie.

She nervously chuckled. "Um, well... he... He's just tired. Yeah, that's it." Evie pushed past Ms. Julie and came within reach of Mateo. "Mateo, it's too late to play. You need to go to bed."

"Aw, but I don't want to! What about the pony?" Mateo threw down the Legos and tossed his arms in a tantrum-like way.

Evie kneeled to him. She reached into the toy box and pulled out a small children's book. Made from wood, it fit in the palm of her hand. The front of the book had a picture of magical beings dancing in a fairy circle. In the center of it was the title Magical Colors of Pinta Country.

Evie put the book up to Mateo's face. "Would you like me to read you a bedtime story?"

"Ooh! Yes, yes!" Mateo clapped.

Evie gave him a stern look. "Then you will go to your room and change into your pajamas." She felt so awkward. How often was it that an eleven-year-old parented a twenty-one-year-old?

Mateo gave Evie a quick nod. "Yes, ma'am." He rose to his feet and slipped into his room.

Evie took a deep breath. Feet stopped next to her.

"Seriously, Evie, what's wrong with him?" Ms. Julie said, placing her hands on her hips.

Evie started to pick up the Legos. Her hand brushed across the cabin's red carpet like a silky bedsheet. She refused to meet Ms. Julie's eyes while she explained the situation. "He was having a little stomach pain on the way back, so John got him some special berries."

"Stomach pain? Berries?"

Finally, Evie met Ms. Julie's eyes. "The berries ease pain, but they do have some side effects." She finished packing away the Legos. Evie shut the chest's top a little too quickly. Dust sprayed into the atmosphere. She coughed through it. Evie picked up the children's book, right when Mateo called her from his bedroom.


"I'm coming!"

Ms. Julie followed the little girl into Mateo's room. She wanted to observe him.

The moon's rays danced through the blinds, lighting up the floor under them.

Mateo sat on his bed in his pajamas: a puffy-sleeved, white shirt and brown pants. He pulled his knees close to his chest. "Bedtime story! Bedtime story!" he said to Evie.

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