thirteen: the rise of team six

Start from the beginning

Laughter rippled around the classroom, Inari sighed softly and lost interest in the situation.

"To even out the teams, we put the best with the worst." He finished, Inari assumed that Kiyoko got a bad grade on the test from Iruka's statement, she was fine with that. Her brother is smart but at the same time an idiot.

"Just make sure you don't get in my way, loser." Sasuke opened his eyes and glanced at Naruto.

Naruto puffed up his cheek and his blood boiled, "What did you just say?" He raised his voice and was then face to face with the raven haired boy, they flared daggers at each other until Sakura tugged on his orange jacket and moved him away.

She told him something and Naruto pouted before sitting down and crossing his arms.

All teams were announced, Hinata was on a team with a boy named Kiba and Shino. Kiyoko was also on Hinata's team due to the unevenness. Inari didn't Amaya's name though, she assumed that she just wasn't paying attention."

Iruka cleared his throat to get everyone's attention, "After lunch, you'll meet up with your new sensei's, until then--class dismissed."

Everyone got up and chatter went around the classroom.

Inari put her pens and notebooks into her little bag and Kiyoko tapped her shoulder, "I wish we were on the same team." He threw his arms over his head in a bored manner.

Inari blinked, "I have an idea, which ever team completes the most higher-ranked levels before we become Jonins...the twin with the most completed missions will be able to 10,000 yen from the loser and buy whatever they want."

Kiyoko debated her offer for a while, "Fine. Deal." They shook hands and smirked, "May the best twin win." He exclaimed.

"I'm so glad we're on the same team, Inari." Hoshi appeared behind her, Inari almost spun around and punched him but she squinted her eyes instead and slowly turned around, "Kiyoko, how are you?" He tilted his head with a wide smile. Kiyoko rolled his eyes, "I'll see you later." He mumbled before walking away.

Inari sighed, "What do you want, Hoshi?" She narrowed her red eyes at him, his golden eyes flicked and he put his hands on her shoulders, "What does that mean? We are on the same team, can I not greet my colleagues?" He asked with a pouty lip.

She scrunched her nose, "Just don't get in my way." A fake smile formed on her face and she walked off.

Hayase walked next to her, "So we're on the same team, huh?" He asked with a bored face, Inari exhaled, "Yup, I guess so." She responded as she threw her bag over her shoulder.

Inari glanced behind the two and saw Hoshi keeping his distance but still held her chin up high, "This freaking guy." She muttered under her breath, but he made a quick turn and was finally out of her sight.

"Who do you think our sensei will be?" Inari asked, trying to make conversation. Hayase shrugged sluggishly, "I barely know any Jonins." He responded in a uninterested manner. She nodded to his response and clicked her tongue, " wanna eat lunch with me?" She asked, perked up.

Hayase glanced at her.

The two were setting together on an unvacated picnic bench, Hayase was finishing his last rice ball, Inari stared at her food and moved them around with her chopsticks.

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