[☀️] As the sun rises

Start from the beginning

"You know my brother?" My question was ignored.

"Not funny you know. Everyone knows y/n's dead and we don't appreciate people pretending to be her. Even if you do slightly look like her you still got one thing wrong. Everyone knows she only had one leg." A female officer speaks in a rude manner.

I sigh and place my hand on Frisk's shoulder to keep myself balanced as I remove the prosthetic and wave it around. I hear a few gasps and shrieks. "Is that enough proof for you?" I place it back on.

The cops heads turn to one person and some step aside. Expelled from the group into the open was a male version of me. Same skin tone, same eye color, and same hair and facial structure. The only difference was age and height. I immediately recognized him. He looked just the same to me as he did 12 years ago. Well almost. His eyes. There was something different about his eyes.

He walked up and Frisk decided to hide behind me mumbling something about how intimidating he looked. B/n stopped about 1 foot away from me. "Hi b/n/n. Did you miss me?" I laugh a bit.

His resting jerk face falters. He studies my appearance again. He looked at me in disbelief. Never had I seen such a sorrowful yet hopeful expression.

I finally hear his voice for the first time after so long. "Am I dreaming. . .?"

I smile. "No. This is real." No other words were exchanged as we both close the space between us into a gratifying hug. A wash of emotions overcame me. Some tears escaped my eyes.

"I'm sorry." I hear him sob. "I'm so sorry I wasn't there to save you."

"It's okay. It's okay. . ." We then break away. I was a bit of a teary mess and somehow b/n looked like he didn't cry at all.

Now with that reunion out of the way, I look to the other cops.

"Um. . . Hi everyone!" I wave. Some wave happily. "Okay, I know you must be confused and nervous on what's going on. But remember all of those legends we were told as kids about monsters? Well they were true. Except for one thing. Monsters are not evil they are really good people. They wish to live and co-exist with us."

"So in other words. The humans were the bad guys?" One officer asks.

"Of course we were. Everyone knows humanity is corrupted." B/n steps in.

"Well, even then that is not entirely true. Us monster have done our share of wrongful deeds. But we hope that we can both overcome them and get along once again." Asgore walks up.

Many cops look at him in astonishment. The idea of a monster king, while crazy to many, was still insanely cool.

And so the once tense string was slightly loosened. One small step at a time. . . "We did it?" I question.

"We did it!" Frisk gives me a high five.

"Great step one accomplished!"

"Yeah now all we gotta do is convince the rest of the 7 . . . Billion humans on the planet." Frisk looks down exhausted at the thought.

I look to my left side and see b/n standing there a little awkwardly. We make eye contact. He seemed unsure of what to do or say next.

A giddy smile forms on my face. "Would you like to meet my friends?" I ask him not knowing what else to say at the moment.

He looks away and spots the officer who previously made the unprofessional comment. "Hold that thought-. Nuh-uh get over here Thompson!" He chases after him.

I feel my smile widen. "Awe he hasn't changed a bit." Frisk looks at me as if I'm crazy.

People soon spread out. Some of the other humans would interact with the monsters. Everyone seemed to get along. Well there are still some who are hesitant to talk to monsters. I look to the small group huddled far out. But I think they will open up soon.

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