rule: 'creative title' me:'... *inserts creative title*' yes vEry creative

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Heh, sorry to whoever thought it's an update, sorry it's not I got tagged ;w;

Heh, sorry to whoever thought it's an update, sorry it's not I got tagged ;w;

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^there you have the rules

Wepl here we go with 13 things about me (veRy interesting):

1: I'm actually a very shy person at first and I really hate new contacts, but as soon as I like the person or comfortable around them I really have a big mouth, talk much and really fast. Annoying thing about it are the people that start to stare or tell you that it is annoying or even approach you saying that your personality seems fake. Do they know how insecure it makes you feel?

2: I annoy my sister on a daily basis like and inform her about everything I have done or about the series/book I just finished or how cute this one person looks most of the time she doesn't listen, but we still have a really good sibling relationship.

3: I'm a crybaby, as soon as something bad or sad happened I start to cry non stop till I calm down. Funny story one time I was reading 'Pandora Hearts' (does anyone knows it, if not it's really good!) in class and there was this one sad part and I started to cry. IN THE MIDDLE OF CLASS, it was pain T^T. Also my sister often calls me over dramatic,  can't argue with that lol.

4: I'm low key good at backing I mean every one in my family likes my self made cookies or other things I try. But still my sister is better at it tho

5: According to my dad I have the best taste in music, but tbh I have a playlist wit over 500 songs so yeah my tate in music is very large. But one of  my currently favorites is 'Be nice to me' from the front bottoms, I can kinda relate to it soooo anyway if you haven't listened to it you should!

6: For quite a time I have labeled myself just as queer, the reason for that was I struggled with having a label that says how you're attracted to someone because I never was and still am sure if I have the right to call myself omnisexual because a voice in the back of my head always says 'what if you aren't' but I know that I am, so I'm starting to feel comfortable with it and I hope in future I can say it without any doubts...

7: I don't really have friendships that have that connection (does that make sense?) you know these kind of friends you talk in school with but when you're homd it's like you don't know each other? Don't get me wrong I have good friends and I appreciate them and they are some of the friends I want to keep when I get older (maybe that's because we are also childhood friends),  I can trust them and have lot's of fun and have serious talks but still I know we aren't that close. It's just something I think that lacks in there, maybe it's just me being stupid but I really hope I can change that in future.

8: I really love siblings, it's not that maybe one one will think of it a interesting but I wanted to share that here. You see I till argue with them and we call each other mean things bug in the end I couldn't really imagine life without them. Maybe my one sister doesn't always listen to what I'm telling her or even says that she doesn't care but she still is the best in I can count on her and tell her secrets and she'll keep them for herself. Also my other sister she can be really annoying and sometimes I may not be the best sister towards her, she still is just so cute and i love seeing her grow and how she sees the world, it can be really fun to listen it her to English music and she asking what the song means or when I'm playing genshin impact she's just there an cheering for me hen I fight against limes or some.

9: One of my classmates really enjoys listening to a true crime podcast I also like and then we sometimes end up talking about the cases and now one boy in class calls us the murder pair, it's really annoying

10: I write a lot of storys while class and on time I was writing about these two Oc's of mine but my teacher caughed me, confiscated my block and read the one shot while we had to do the exercise. It was a tory about a fantasy world  wlw couple, after the Leon my teacher handed it back to me and jut looked at me, I still dunno how to feel about it ;w;

11: I never really have a crush which kind off sucks and is nice at he same time. It's just that I see a person that could be my type nd then I could imagine to have a relationship with them and I kinda try to get closer to them but after a few days this tingly feeling I have jut dissappear and nothing anything like romantic feelings are there. At the bright sight I can tease my friends whenever they have a crush on someone and they can't hold anything against me or tease me.

12: I really like dancing in the rain or in my room or St night or generally dancing. I wouldn't say it's always really dancing since sometimes I kinda just jump around to music but it just feels nice to do it and I think it' relaxing. Maybe one of the reasons for that is that till now I've been dancing Ballett for 10 years (no I m not as good as some may would expect)

13: I like drawing and would also say i am good at it, not that very good but still that I am satisfied myself with it.

As you can see i kinda ran out if 'interesting' things about myself I could share :'3

Anyway thanks for tagging me Lilamichan it's actually the first time that someone has done it, welp as you can see I did it before one week passed and it's a chapter xp

Guess who also don't really have friends on wattpad so I will just tag a few and yeh sorry for the bother for whoever I'm tagging

sunerseyeliner (you gotta suffer with me :3)
As for anyone who got tagged and felt bothered by it: Feel free to ignore me and this here.

I'M SORRY FOR THE CHAPTER TITLE, I just am so bad with them, so does it count or not >w<?

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