NINE \(^•^)/

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As you all see I'm running out of stupid chapter names, so maybe if you have some in mind for the next chapters drop them maybe in th comments.

Kyoutani PoV (man, I'm so proud of myself, that it isn't Yahaba again)

Why isn't he picking the phone up?  

I just need someone to talk to. 

Didn't he say that I can call him always?  

Is he busy?

The thoughts ran trough my head without stop, while I was looking on my phone.

My other parent is  fault of why my mom is so done with the world  and now he's pulling shit like that. 

I mean please, who the hell shows up on his ex girlfriends house up, after cheating on her.

(an: yeah, ex girlfriend, Kyoutani's parents weren't married)

And the thing what he wants, talk things out. And mom naive as she is walks with him, to talk things out.

I'm totally sure he wants to beg for another chance. He's probably thinking that mom would definitely run back in his arms when he opens them. But there he is wrong, so wrong. Even though mom is a bit naive and such a nice and lovely person, she has a strong personality.  She'll definitely say no.

And still, still I have this urge to cry and tell Yahaba about it.

I'll try it just one more time...

The phone clicked and Yahaba's voice appeared: "It better be important, I'm kinda busy right now." "Busy with what?", I asked, hiding back the trembling in my voice. "Talking with this person on the other side of the airpots", these simple words left his mouth.

So simple and yet strong enough.

Strong enough for me, to end the call and jut sit back on my bed.

So his 'soulmate' he just met is more important than picking up your phone when your best friend is calling him...

And suddenly the little problem with my parents didn't existed anymore in my head.

I'm really an idiot, aren't I? Really believed him when he said, this person on the other side wouldn't be more important than me. Of course this person would be. I mean I'm definitely just some person in his life...


"Will you call your soulmate? "

"I think so."

"Ohhhh... So you're gonna tell them about your troubles?"

"Of course not. I barely even know this person. And besides I have you. This person isn't my real soulmate in my opinion. And since I don't know my soulmate your one of the most important person to me at the moment."

°Flashback end°

He wouldn't miss me if I disappeared would he? I'm just the person who he tells is problems. And when there are no more problems  he won't need me anymore....

So I woke up this morning and had this urge to write another chapter, but make it a bit angsty. So I didn't say Kyoutani is already in love with Yahaba, but he is. He just doesn't know it yet. Btw I'm thinking to add another thing to my story,  I already planned to add it. But no I'm not quite sure about it.

So let me ask, what would you think about the Hanahaki disease in this story.....

I will starting to write the next chapter when I got a few answers, and when there re no answers I'll also start it.

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