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Am I writing this again in Latin class? nO, wHy ShOuLd I

Kyoutani PoV:

Why am I avoiding Yahaba again? He didn't do something bad... It's just me being moody and a egoist. I mean Yahaba doesn't belong to me, he can have other friends

But why does it feel so bad when I think of him being befriended with his 'soulmate'? 

I should really think of other things and not how I miss Yahaba's acompany. Because I definitely not. 

I definitely miss not his annoying way to talk. Or when he shows up in the morning and invites himself in. I also definitely not miss how we always end up having a sleepover and he cuddles himself close to me while sleeping.

I definitely not miss his stupid grin and his cute laugh when he's happy.

Wait, what. Not cute, I mean stupid. Yeah stupid,  Yahaba's grin is annoying and stupid and not cute. 

It's definitely not cute how his nose crinkle while laughing and his eyes start to sparkle. 

And I definitely don't know this because I observe him while laughing because I totally adore it when he laughs. That's totally not the reason.

I mean why should i adore his laugh. There us no reason why I should do it.

Why am I even still thinking about him. I said I wouldn't do it.

I should really talk with someone about something other than just being all alone in my room, thinking about a person I definitely not miss.

Or I could ask mom to bake cookies together. We haven't done that in a while...

"So I'm really happy that you asked me to bake together, but there must be a reason."

Why does she know me that good?

(an: Duh, she's your mother. She knows you your whole life)

"There is no reason."

"Of course there is no reason, my son whko spents most of the time in his room or with Shigeru or cleaning the house or playing volleyball just had the urge to bake cookies."

"Like I said, there is no reason."

"Has it something to do with Shigeru?"

"No, why would it? I mean there would be no reason..."

"It has to do something to do with Shigeru. "

"I just said it doesn't."

"The way how you said it was kinda suspicious."

"Why can't you just act like you believe me?"

"Because I know you'll bottle up yourself and it'll just hurt yourself."

"Why do you know me so good?"

"Duh, I'm your mother."

(an: my words, my words)

"Has it something to do with the fact that Shigeru doesn't come over anymore."


"Did you two get in a fight?"

"Not really..."

"So what is it?"

"He started talking to his soulmate... And I know for for fact he must enjoy their company."

"And why is that?

"They exchanged numbers,  every time when I look at him in class, he's smiling at his phone and then start typing."

"Why do you even look at him in class."

"He's my best friend..."

"Best friends don't stare the each other in class."

"We don't stare the each other, it's just me who is staring..."

"Aha, sounds kinda gay to me."

"You know for  fact I'm gay, so everything I do sounds 'kinda gay' to you."

"Also true, I remember your crush in middle school..."

"Oh shut up, you don't need to remind me."

"You barked at the poor guy, because you didn't know what to say."



"You're embarrassing!"

"But there is no one beside of us."


(an: if they knew...)

Heyyyy,  I just wanted to write a sweet chapter about how Kyou is so in love with Yahaba and he doesn't even notice. Also I wanted to write about this amazing relationship between Kyou and his mother.

ToTaLlY the same relationship I have with mine. tOtAlLy. 

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