I'M BACKKK with chapter 23 °3°

449 11 15

 gUeSs wHo'S bAcK



*even more silence*

I guess imma just start with the chapter? ehehe




Sakura PoV

TW: abuse

It's literally annoying, Yahaba has been avoiding us with all costs. Like please, he blocked us and doesn't react to Kyoutani when he showed u p. We just want to help him what is so bad about that?!

Is there even another way to contact him, I mean I have the idea in my head just to show up at his house, but I don't know his address and I really don't want to met his parents. If we just had a chance to proof what he was going trough. Kyoutani even went that far to accuse Yahaba's parent for abusing Yahaba. Just imagining it made me sick, Yahaba is such a precious and nice boy he doesn't deserve such a thing to happen to him. And even worse, it's his own parents, who could do that to their child?

And then a realization hit me, the airpots, the fricking airpots are still there!

Please is he gonna pick, up, please, please, please. And then there was a click, the click that he picked up.

(an: here we go again with the simple dialogue form, sorry :/)


Y: what the hell, I said let me in peace

S: Yahaba I exactly know that you don't mean this

Yahaba PoV (yepp, imam switch PoV real quick)

I signed, maybe, just maybe it would help to talk about it...

"You're right, it's not what I mean but my parents it's just difficult..." I heard something shuffle on the other site and then I could hear Sakura's voice again: "And that is why I mean or better we are here for you, we care for you and do you know how hurt Kyoutani is since you kicked us out of your life?"

A little arch in my heart for making Kyou sad but also a little smile for having such carrying friends.

My voice shacked a bit while saying the next sentences: "You have to believe me I didn't wanted to do it! And all the bad things I said to Kyou, I had to! My parents were right next, I couldn't stand against them, or else... or else they would..."

I didn't want to think about it, a small hiccup left my mouth, I really didn't want to think about the picture of my mom with her hand raised up. The way everything happened so fast and I first realized it when I felt the pain in my cheek. Sharp and cold, it felt like it was burning. The way the bruise was left on my cheek and when I looked in the mirror the blue, violet colour was there. It's a pretty colourcombi, I like to look at it, just not on my cheek. Made by my mom...

"Hey Yahaba, please don't cry I know how it feels."

I didn't knew I was crying till I felt the warm liquor streaming down my face. And then the other part in Sakura's sentence.

"You know, you had to go trough that too?"


Then a silent: "Yeah, and that is why I want to help you, I can record everything you say and show it to someone, there are a lot of things we could do so please let us help you..."

The thought that I could get out of this hell, get away, never see a bruise my mom made again is what gave me hope.

"That, that would be nice."




Is this a cliff hanger? I mean and even if, it's a good one... Another short chapter, that is because my writers block is still here :') but I don't want to end up posting after months again so here ya go.

Anyways, how was your day/ how is your day/ how is your day gonna be?

Bye, bye :p

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