*inserts drum roll* chapter 25

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Dayum, before this chapter start I have to say a few things. While planning this one I didn't could quite decide what to do. I mean I had three different story line ideas and for the one I used it's kind off complicated with writing about mental abuse and physical abuse. As a person who doesn't know that much about it I don't want to make mistakes, so I decided to skip the part when he could get out of there, the problem is I also don't want it to seem rushed even tho it could seem like this. So I want to apolpgise if I make it unlogical and rushed. I'm sorry if it will seem like this to you, but I hope you'll understand what I mean.




Nobodys PoV:

It actually took some time to get Yahaba's parents to give up, since they have money and are influential. Also it took some time to get them see that they are in the wrong, not just with their world perspective but also quite a lot of other things. But even now they know they are in the wrong it didn't change quite much, still insulting everyone else for lying although there is eviedence.

Life still went on, it took a while to get back to normal, or better said the most normal they could reach going back to hanging out, laughing and sleep over, a sleep over like they were having right now. One of the best things of being in a gay friend group with (mostly) supporting parents is still being abele to have sleep overs with everybody.

(an: ahahahah, how nice,..... can't relate ;-;)

"You did not just take my new face mask and keep it all for yourself!", Akari shouted daramtic while waching Yahaba putting on the mask, soon as he realised hat they were talking to him he just stuck out hin tongue in their direction. "Kyou! Did yo see how mean your boyfriend is to me?! SAy something idiot."

Kyoutani just shrugged his shoulders while saying: "If you want help that bad ask your girlfriend." "I would but you see, my cousin just stole her away!", Akari said while falling dramatically on their bed. "Babeeeeee, do you even still love me or are ya planning on dating Sakura now?" Aoi just shot her a playful glare. "If you continue to be such an annoying and dramatic ass, yes." A fake gasp escaped Akari's mouth.

Sakura laughed while also clinking in to the conversation: "Don't worry, I bet Aoi over here really loves your ass as much as she loves you." After that all they got was an emberassed Aoi that hide herself in the covers. "Damn, you know that she can't handle that much, you'e really doing it on purpose", Yahaba giggled while throwing himself in Kyoutani's lap. "Get off idiot, your smearing all your face mask on my pajamas, and I just washed it today!" "Is little Kyou afraid that his pajamas is gonna get dirty, then what about that pretty face of yours!", and with those words from Yahaba, Kyoutani was takled to ground by his boyfriend and the girls and got a face mask.

10 minutes after hat he was still sitting in the cornor and sulking how much he hates them all, another 10 minutes after that the all were sitting on the floor with pizza, popcorn and soda while watching'weathering with you' on the girls and Yahaba's request, since the four of them definetly are suckers for romance and slice of life. Kyoutani pretending to not care for the movie and how hilarious these genre are, but in reality really enjoying it. The first one to fall asleep was Sakura, which wasn't quite a suprise. But five minutes after the movie ended she suddenly jolted awake.

"I'm awake, yeah, I'm awake, I definetly didn't fall asle- wait the movie just ended?" "Sometimes I really ask myself if we really are related, how, like come on hOw can you fall asleep in the middle of watching a movie." "Says the one who fell asleep in the cinema." "Sakura, my dear favorite cousin, I thought I said this didn't happen, so why are bringing this up, you're so mean!", another fake gasp from Akai after she said it. Another laugh from everyone.

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