Chapter 12001

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I'm 100% sure no one is gonna get the title. The solution,  it's something we did in math in 5 grade but I'm to lazy to explain it.

Yahaba PoV (here we go again)

The last past one and half week was kinda difficult.

 Had my to hear my parents rant about my sister, Volleyball practice was hard, Kyou is avoiding me and in a bad mood and then there is Sakura...

But my main problem is Kyou. I don't know what's going on with him. I really thought we would understand each other better. And now all of udder he doesn't even look anymore at me.

Maybe the not talking to each other part is fault of us both, he doesn't approach to me neither I to him...

"So how was your day today?", Sakura giggled. I bite my lip to vcalm as normal as ever: "It was great got a B in PE today. But besides that nothing really happened.... What about you?"

"Same besides the news  that my mom has a new boyfriend.

"Does he suck? "

"Nahhh. He is pretty nice and polite, it's quite fun talking to him."

"It is?"

"Do you think I would lie over that. He isn't a total asshole like the last one."

"Your mom sure had a lot boyfriends."

"You are totally right. Dad died in a car crash while I wasn't even born. So I don't really miss him. But mom does, so she tries to cover up with short relationships that doesn't really mean something. "

It's kinda weird how she can talk about it do open. I mean she just know since two weeks.

"You still there Yahaba? "

"Oh yeah, I am. Just processing."

"Ohhh,  sorry I think it's just normal that every family has some problems."

"I think my family doesn't have some..."


"Oh lucky you then, but I have to go. Mom's boyfriend invited me to an art museum to get to know me better."

"A really nice gesture."

"It is. The other ones didn't really though about he fact that I also have feelings. So this one is my favourite.  I really hope it'll work out for them."

"I hope then the same."

"Thanks Yahaba."

Then she hung up.

I really don't know what to think about her.

So yeah since I already wrote one chapter today this is a short one. But I still have a idea in mind so maybe the will be a third one. 

But let me tell you a fun fact of today:

My dad was supposed to pick up my little sister from Kindergarten at 1:30 pm.  So I was chilling all the time in my room and didn't watch the time. At 3 pm I I was wondering why my little didn't came in to annoy me.  I went to my dad asked him where she is and he seriously went like: 'Oh shit,  I forgot to pick her up!' Like dude your an adult sort yourself, you cannot just forget to pick your child up! 

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