Chapter 1

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Timmy's POV:

Sienna Kornhaber. Sienna fucking Kornhaber. I wish I could put into words how much my hatred has grown towards her since she moved here. It was the middle of sophomore year, and I was determined to maintain the position of the best student, along with the best grades. As predicted, everything was going perfectly and I was at the top of my class. But the day she pranced into my AP History class and somehow scored a percentage higher than me on our recent test, I knew we were going to have problems. I've managed to survive high school with her so far, as we are now seniors, but I'm not joking around when I say that this girl will quite literally be the death of me.

Today was the day I've been anxiously awaiting: the day Mr. Fahey passed out the grades for our most recent psych test.

The test was over a week ago, but I've been on edge ever since, which is how it usually goes after every test we take. I don't necessarily strive for perfection, but it's safe to say that I practically lose my mind if I don't score higher than her.

It's currently 7th period, and although I'm basically staring the clock down, the last 5 minutes of class don't seem to be passing by any quicker. All I want to do is go into psych next period, get my test back, shove said test into Sienna's face and brag about how I scored better than her, and go home.

"Dude, can you calm down?" Aiden asks from beside me while staring at my hand. It was just then that I realized I've been impatiently tapping my pen on the desk for what seems to be nearly the entire period. My bouncing leg doesn't seem to get past Aiden either as he violently stomps on my foot in hopes of putting an end to the anxious movement.

"Was that really necessary?" I whisper-shouted to him. "And I'm sorry. It's just that we're getting our test scores back next period and-"

"And you just have to get a higher grade than a certain someone or you will actually explode?" Aiden finishes for me.

"Well, you're not wrong about that," I reply.

It feels like ages before the bell rings, but soon enough Aiden and I are up and heading to our psych class. We walk inside and take our usual seats towards the middle of the classroom. That's when I make eye contact with the antichrist herself. Sienna stares me down, but I just brush her off. I have more important things on my mind anyways, such as how I'm gonna taunt Sienna when we both realize I scored higher than her.

"Excited to receive your failing grade, Torubarov?" Sienna asks, turning to face her chair in my direction.

"Hate to break it to you, Kornhaber, but the top score is all mine. If you don't believe me, I'll be glad to show you when Mr. Fahey comes around."

Out of the corner of my eye, I notice Maddie, Sienna's almost-as-crazy-as-her best friend, glaring at me. I bring my eyes completely over to her as she nonchalantly flips me off while giving me a fake smile.

I remain unaffected, but Aiden lets out a small chuckle. Big mistake, dude.

"Something funny, rich boy?" Maddie asks, keeping her composure.

"Nope, nothing funny at all," Aiden replies, still holding a grin on his face.

"No, no, please tell me what you oh-so want to say. C'mon, let's hear it. I insist."

Aiden just rolls his eyes, obviously not in the mood to lose another verbal argument against Maddie.

"That's what I thought," I hear Maddie say, now her being the one to hold the smug grin on her face.

I turn my attention to the front of the classroom as Mr. Fahey makes his way over to his desk, picking up a large stack of papers before walking back to face the entire class.

"Today's the day," he announces. "I'm passing out the scores from our last test before we move onto our next unit. And please, Miss Kornhaber, Mr. Torubarov, save all of your offensive comments towards each other until the end of class. More specifically, when you're out of my classroom." I silently nodded before he started walking around and handing back the papers to the other students.

I sat in my seat eagerly awaiting my test result. I looked over right as Mr. Fahey handed Sienna her grade, and her mouth turned up into a satisfactory smile.


Finally, Mr. Fahey made his way towards me. Sighing, he gave me my paper, and I impatiently turned it over to look at the grade.

I received a 97%. A fucking 97?!

I turned to find Sienna, but she was already looking at me. She flipped her paper over so her score was in my view and:


I groaned in annoyance, turning away from her, but the sound of her laughter filled the air.

She raised her head to see just how bad I did.

"A 97? Damn, Torubarov, step up your game. That's three whole points lower than mine."

"Oh really? Never noticed." I said, rolling my eyes.

"Well, I mean, you got a 97, so it was only logical of me to assume you couldn't subtract numbers that big."

I let out another groan as I brought my attention back to Mr. Fahey.

The rest of class seemed to drag on, but I made sure to take the best notes I possibly could. There is no way in hell I was gonna let Sienna beat me again.

The bell rang, and I was more than excited to head straight home. Aiden and I walked out of the classroom, but we didn't get very far before a familiar voice yelled my name.

"Hey, Torubarov!" Sienna yelled, causing both me and Aiden to stop in our tracks and turn to face her. "You shouldn't be so confident next time. That's the second test in a row I've beat you on, isn't it?" she asks innocently.

"It was pure luck, Kornhaber. Don't be so full of yourself."

"You wish it was only luck," replied Sienna as she walked closer towards me. "Unfortunately for you, we all know the truth. I'm just way better at psych than anyone in our class, including you"

"Sure, probably because you're a psychopath!" I retorted, taking my own steps closer to her. I felt Aiden grab onto the sleeve of my shirt, implying that he doesn't want me to get into another argument with her.

Sienna's lucky I have the thing she tends to lack: self-control

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