Be Mine?

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It's Valentine's Day. Sana couldn't think of a better time to woo her beloved coworker, Tzuyu. Sana and Tzuyu have been office buddies for many years. Over the course of these years, Tzuyu's sweet and polite attitude has resulted in Sana forming a little crush on the younger girl. Sana believes that Tzuyu is the one for her; she's nice, hardworking, understanding, and just about every other positive characteristic you could think of.

It's been way too long since Sana's developed her admiration for Tzuyu. She's ready to pursue her now. With the help of the lovely aura that Valentine's Day emits, Sana decided to start doing little things for Tzuyu. She wanted Tzuyu to know how much she likes her. Once Tzuyu picks up on these little hints, Sana will make Tzuyu hers. After that, they will have a wonderful Valentine's Day and live happily ever after.

Sana hopes that this plan of hers will go smoothly. But honestly, when has anything in life gone smoothly for her?

Right now, it's about 7:00 A.M. in the office. Sana showed up a little earlier than usual to sneak a few homemade sandwiches in Tzuyu's desk. She knows Tzuyu always looks into her desk first before doing anything else; that's where she places the papers that she's been working on the night before.

Sana took a sticky note from Tzuyu's desk and wrote her own name on it before sticking it onto the plastic wrap. Sana examined her sandwiches once more before closing the desk's drawer. She patted the desk before smiling to herself in satisfaction.


Sana walked to her own desk, which isn't far from Tzuyu's. The office's doors opened and a few people piled in. Sana shook in anticipation as she saw her beloved Tzuyu walk in.

God is so unfair for creating only ONE perfect human on earth.

Tzuyu's eyes locked with Sana's and she smiled. Sana could hear her heart beating faster as Tzuyu walked towards her desk. She placed her bag on Sana's desk and drummed her fingers lightly on it.

"Good morning, Sana."

"Yes!" Sana nodded before scrunching her face into a 'what the hell did I just say' expression. "I mean, good morning to you too! I don't know why I said 'yes', I'm a little off today. That was such a weird response, who says 'yes' as a response to 'good morning'? I'm so weird-"

Tzuyu giggled and patted Sana's head. "You're babbling."

Sana ducked her head in embarrassment. "Sorry."

"Don't be." Tzuyu winked. She took a step back and flung her bag over her shoulder again. Sana felt herself grow nervous.

Is she going to her desk now? She's going to see my sandwiches. I hope she likes them... I don't know what I'll do it-

"Who made these awesome-looking sandwiches?!"

Everyone in the office turned their head to the source of the sound. Sana felt her eye twitch when the person holding her sandwiches was not Tzuyu. It was her other coworker, Momo.

What the-

"Oh, it's from Sana!" Momo happily showed off her sticky note. "Thank you so much!" Momo got up and gave Sana a big hug. Sana felt herself choke on her own spit.

"Uh, it's not really for you-"

"I'm going to eat them all right now!" Momo skipped back to her desk and began munching on the sandwiches.

"But they're-"

"Wow, you're really nice, Sana," Tzuyu praised with a small smile. "You're always so nice."

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