Do You Like It?

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Sana breathed heavily as Tzuyu circled around her.

"Can you let me go now?"

"No." Tzuyu softly grazed her finger along Sana's jaw.

Sana was currently tied to a chair in Tzuyu's bedroom. Tzuyu had invited her for brunch. She certainly didn't expect her to tackle her to the ground, tie her hands together, and force her onto a chair.


"Shh..." Tzuyu smiled creepily as she continued to circle around Sana. Tzuyu dragged another chair towards Sana. She sat on it, facing Sana. Their faces were very close together.

"Do you like the ones with plastic handles or wooden handles?" Tzuyu asked politely.

"I don't-"

"Plastic or wooden?" Tzuyu pressed, looking into Sana's eyes with determination.

"W-Wooden, I guess."

"That's a relief."

Tzuyu nodded as she stood up and walked to her desk. She picked up her knife with a wooden handle. She slid her fingers against the cold metal. She shivered as she gently touched the tip. She loved this feeling. She relished in it.

Sana trembled a bit as Tzuyu walked back to Sana. She also shivered, but she thinks that the shivering is caused by the cold breeze blowing through the room. The weather has been cold lately. She didn't understand why Tzuyu stopped the heater and turned on the air conditioner. It's freezing.

"I'm cold, Tzuyu," Sana's voice quaked as she said her statement.


Tzuyu placed her knife onto her seat. She smiled down at it, stroking it a bit before tending to Sana's needs. Tzuyu walked to her small nightstand and dragged it towards Sana. Sana winced a bit at the harsh sound of the table scraping against the floor. The floor was carpeted, but it still left an undesirable sound. Tzuyu pushed the nightstand close to Sana before walking to her desk. She picked up her lamp and walked back to Sana. Tzuyu placed the lamp on the nightstand and moved to another side of the room to plug the lamp's cord into an outlet.

Tzuyu slowly walked back to her own seat, right in front of Sana. Tzuyu picked up her knife again, setting it on her nightstand as she sat down on her chair. Tzuyu angled the lamp towards Sana's face and turned it on. Sana blinked a bit at the sudden bright light.


"Not really."

"Better?" Tzuyu asked again.


Sana blinked rapidly at the blinding light.

"M-My lap is cold now." Sana shook her thighs a bit in emphasis.

"Okay." Tzuyu angled the lamp towards Sana's lap.




Tzuyu held her knife in her hands. She held it up in front of Sana's face.

"Do you like it? I got it for you." Tzuyu smiled with an unreadable glint in her eyes.

"For me?" Sana shook a bit.

"Yes." Tzuyu nodded slightly, "When I saw it in the store, I immediately thought of you."

"R-Really now?"

"Yes, I had to sharpen it a bit though." Tzuyu shook her head in disappointment. "It was a bit dull when I bought it."

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