A Reason to Fight

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Tzuyu panted as she hid behind the bushes. The sounds of rapid gunfire extremely frightened her. She thought she would be able to handle this. She thought this would be an easy job. She thought she was strong enough to endure the pain and cruel imagery.

She was wrong.

"Tzuyu! Get down!" her superior shouted at her.

Tzuyu winced as she crouched lower behind the bush. When she signed up for the military she did it for the greater good. She wanted to help others, she wanted to protect her nation, she wanted to do something that was worth being proud of.

Tzuyu heard the shouts of a foreign language as the sounds of heavy footsteps neared her comrades.

"Look out!" Tzuyu shouted as she watched her companion get shot. The body fell lifelessly.

"I can't do this," Tzuyu gasped out.

"Tzuyu, get a hold of yourself!" her sergeant yelled.

"Y-Yes sir!" Tzuyu replied with shut eyes. She heard something land near her. She then heard a light beeping sound.

"Oh shit, scatter!" she heard her sergeant shout at everyone.

Tzuyu immediately opened her eyes and looked down. She saw a grenade. She immediately ran deeper into the collapsing forest. She ran as fast as she could; she didn't look back. The impact of the explosion caused Tzuyu to collapse. Tzuyu nearly wept as she heard the screams of pain from other soldiers.

"I can't..." Tzuyu took a deep breath and stood up. She looked around cautiously. She saw many of her comrades on the floor, bleeding heavily. Other soldiers that escaped the grenade's vicious attack quickly attempted to help their companions.

Tzuyu stood there in fear. She knew she wouldn't be able to help anybody. She couldn't.

"Tzuyu, I need you to-"

Tzuyu gasped as she watched her sergeant get sniped. Tzuyu didn't make a sound. She knew better than to start screaming mindlessly. Tzuyu felt a tear drip down her face as she watched her sergeant's eyes rolled to the back of his head. Tzuyu bent down and gently closed his eyelids. That was the least she could do.

More gunfire could be heard around them.

"Retreat!" she heard one of her other superiors say.

Tzuyu wasted no time and quickly continued running through the forest. She could hear leaves behind her getting shot at. She attempted to run in random directions, away from her team. She didn't care if she was acting unaccordingly, she just wanted to live.

Tzuyu was alone now. She heard the calm sounds of a nearby river. Tzuyu stopped running and paused behind a tree. She breathed heavily as she tried to compose herself.

She shouldn't have stopped.

Tzuyu heard the shouts of a foreign language again as she felt a bullet enter her abdomen. Tzuyu didn't scream. She didn't shout. She didn't make a noise. She knew it was over. Tzuyu closed her eyes as she fell to the floor. She knew she lost.

That was the last thing Tzuyu thought of before she blacked out.


Soft humming could be heard in the room. The sound of towel being wrung could also be heard. Tzuyu then heard light footsteps making their way to her. Tzuyu slowly opened her eyes, wincing a bit at the bright sunlight in the room.

Tzuyu looked up and saw a beautiful woman smiling down at her. She held the towel to Tzuyu's forehead and gently wiped away the dried blood and sweat. Tzuyu looked around a bit and realized that she was in a small cottage in the middle of the woods.

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