Love is in the Air

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Tzuyu couldn't be late to her flight to Jeju. She had a wedding ceremony to get to. Her friend made her one of the bridesmaids. She quickly grabbed her luggage; she made sure her bridesmaid dress and other essentials were in the suitcase. One of her friends that was also coming to the wedding was picking her up. She heard a car honk outside her house.

"I'm coming!" Tzuyu quickly put on her coat before running outside. She quickly locked her door and ran to the car waiting in her driveway.

"What took you so long?!" Her friend yelled as she rolled down the passenger side window.

"I'm sorry, Dahyun. I couldn't find my bridesmaid dress for a while!" Tzuyu quickly entered the vehicle and buckled her seatbelt.

"God, Chaeyoung would have killed you if you lost it," Dahyun said as she starting driving to the airport.

"I know!" Tzuyu sighed, "So, you're the maid of honor, or, best man I guess. Did you prepare your speech nicely?"

"Of course!"

"You didn't start writing it until last night did you?"

"Of course!"

"I bet you didn't actually write it. You probably just said it all in your head and you hope that you'll be able memorize it all."

"Of course!"

"You didn't prepare for it at all, right? You're just going to wing it at Chaeyoung and Mina's Wedding."

"Of course! You know me so well, Tzuyu!" Dahyun laughed as she smacked Tzuyu's back roughly. Tzuyu choked on her saliva a bit.

"Don't do that."


They drove for about an hour before they reached the airport. Dahyun parked in an area that the airport secured for those that planned to leave their car at the airport while they travel. Tzuyu and Dahyun quickly take their suitcases and run into the airport. They had less than 25 minutes to catch their flight. They knew that they were going to be stalled with their troubles of trying to find their correct gate and going through airport security.

They were right, they barely made it on their plane in time. Tzuyu looked for her seat and found that is was a the seat that was close to the aisle. Dahyun had the seat near the window. Some random person was going to be seated between them.

Good enough. At least I can avoid having Dahyun drool on me this time.

Dahyun and Tzuyu both placed their luggage into the compartment about their seats, before taking their seats. They closed their eyes and rested. They enjoyed this moment of peace and quiet after their hectic experience in the airport just now.

"Excuse me, is that seat next to you T-9?" Tzuyu heard a voice. She opened her eyes and saw a beautiful woman.

"Y-Yeah," Tzuyu answered. The woman smiled and scooted her way between Dahyun and Tzuyu.

"Looks like we're seatmates!" The woman said cutely, "I'm Minatozaki Sana, by the way."

"I'm Chou Tzuyu, my sleeping friend over there is Kim Dahyun," Tzuyu replied as she pointed at her currently drooling friend.

"Nice to meet you." Sana smiled brightly.

She's so cute.

"N-Nice to meet you too." Tzuyu smiled back awkwardly.

Attention passengers, we will prepare for flight. Please buckle your seatbelts.

Sana jumped at the sound. Tzuyu chuckled and leaned over Sana and buckled Dahyun's seatbelt for her. After she made sure Dahyun was properly buckled, she buckled her own seatbelt. She looked at Sana and saw her struggling with her seatbelt.

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