Just This Once

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Sana sighed as she saw another note in her locker. Another note from Tzuyu. Sana knew that Tzuyu liked her, she knew for quite some time, but she wasn't very interested in her. Sana picked up the note and read it with a blank face.

You seem like a boring person, so why won't you accept my offers? Spend a day with me; let's explore the world together.

Just this once.

- Tzuyu

Sana shook her head as she crumbled the note and threw it back into her locker. Yes, she was a pretty boring person. She had a few friends, didn't go out much, focused most of her time on school work, and definitely did not use her free time to explore. Sana lived a quiet, safe life. She didn't party, associate herself with wild friends, nothing. She liked to stay in the comfort of her calm, little town.

Sana closed her locker after she placed her books inside. She saw Tzuyu's face that was hidden behind the locker's door. Tzuyu was leaning against a locker, smirking at Sana.

Sana rolled her eyes, "What do you want, Tzuyu?"

"Have you read my note?" Tzuyu asked with a smile.

"Yes," Sana answered.

"And?" Tzuyu looked at her with anticipation.


Tzuyu looked crestfallen.


"I've told you time and time again that I do not want to 'explore' the world with you," Sana shook her head. She started walking to her next class; Tzuyu followed her.

"Come on, please?" Tzuyu pleaded.


"Come with me right now, we'll have tons of fun, trust me."

"We have class," Sana rolled her eyes.

"Sana, we're graduating soon, no one is going to care if you skip class for a day."


"Haven't you ever felt the urge to do something exciting? Haven't you ever desired to know what it felt like to be wild? Don't you want to experience life? Come have fun today with me Sana, just this once."

Sana paused. She thought about it carefully. She is going to graduate soon. She's top in all of her classes, as up to this point in her life, she hasn't done anything exciting.

"Just this once?" Sana asked.

"Just this once," Tzuyu confirmed. Sana slowly nodded. Tzuyu could feel a smile creeping on her face.

"Awesome, let's go!"

"Okay..." Sana followed Tzuyu out of the school. She couldn't believe she was doing this.

Tzuyu led Sana to her mode of transportation. Sana stopped.

"I am not getting on that," Sana deadpanned.

"What's wrong with it?" Tzuyu raised an eyebrow.

"Motorcycles are dangerous!" Sana shouted exasperated.

"No they aren't, here," Tzuyu handed Sana a helmet. She already had hers on. She carried around a second helmet at all times, incase Sana ever said yes to one of her offers.


"Live for once, Sana."

Sana sighed, "Just this once."

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