Do You Like Waffles?

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Tzuyu sat nervously in the car with her friends. She's never done this before. She's worried about all the possible things that could happen.

"Tzuyu, chill," Dahyun said as she rolled her eyes as she drove.

"Yeah, calm down," Chaeyoung added. She softly patted Tzuyu's back.

The three were currently going to a New Year's Eve party. Tzuyu has never been to a party that wasn't a simple birthday party. She was worried that the party would be like all those crazy parties that she's heard about.

"What if we get hurt?" Tzuyu asked in fear.

"We won't get hurt," Chaeyoung was ready to throw Tzuyu out the window.

"What if we-"

"Tzuyu!" Dahyun interrupted, "Jihyo, Nayeon, and Jeongyeon are the ones throwing this party! They wouldn't let psychos into the party and they certainly wouldn't let anyone get hurt!"


"Just shut up and enjoy yourself." Chaeyoung shoved her hand in front of Tzuyu's mouth.

Dahyun soon made it to the party. The party was being thrown at Jihyo's house, simply because it was massive. Dahyun parked in the designated parking areas and the three got out of the car. Dahyun and Chaeyoung skipped towards the front doors happily; Tzuyu trailed behind them cowardly.

"This is going to be awesome!" Dahyun shouted as she knocked on the door.

"Yeah! Aren't you excited, Tzuyu?!" Chaeyoung looked at Tzuyu.


"Why is no one opening the door?!" Dahyun harshly knocked on the door again.

"Maybe this is a sign, we should go-" Tzuyu tried to say.

"I'll call Nayeon," Chaeyoung took out her cell phone and called Nayeon, "Nayeon can you-"

The door slammed opened.

"Hey guys!" Nayeon smiled at them as she let them inside the house. The second the door opened, they heard very loud music. Jihyo's house exterior must be sound proof.

"You guys didn't open the door when I knocked!" Dahyun whined as she entered the house. Chaeyoung skipped inside. Tzuyu quietly followed them.

"Sorry, we couldn't hear you. The awesomeness in the house was just too loud!" Nayeon giggled. She and the other three snaked through the large crowd that was currently dancing in Jihyo's large living room. They entered the kitchen, where Jihyo and Jeongyeon were.

Jihyo was currently pouring some fruit punch into a large bowl. Jeongyeon was pouting, leaning on the counter.

"Nayeon! You're back!" Jeongyeon hugged Nayeon the second she appeared in the kitchen.

"She was gone for like ten seconds," Jihyo rolled her eyes.

"More like, an eternity," Jeongyeon and Nayeon cuddled.

"Whatever," Jihyo chuckled. She faced the younger three, "I'm glad you guys can make it here to the party!"

"Thank you for inviting us!" Chaeyoung thanked.

"Yeah! You have tons of people here! Are you expecting more?" Dahyun smiled at Jihyo.

"A few more, I think three," Jihyo replied. She looked at Tzuyu.

"Why so quiet, Tzuyu?" Jihyo raised an eyebrow at Tzuyu.


"She's just super excited to be here!" Dahyun smacked Tzuyu's back, "Right?"

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