Chapter Forty-Four

Start from the beginning

Boscha looked off to the side again, crying. 

The plant witch approached her. "H-hey, Boscha..." She places her hand on the pink-haired witch's shoulder. 

"Leave me alone!" She growled, pushing Willow's hand off of her. 

She turned quickly and hurried out the back door. 

"I'll go talk to her." Mr. P said as he walked out the door. 

"Willow, sweetheart... Bad things will happen regardless if we're here or not... I understand you're worried about her; we are too. However, you can't shelter her. She lived a life where she was controlled by her parents. She never did what she wanted to do. She never found her own path. If we keep her from doing everything... then we deprive her of the ability to forge her own path." 

"But..." Willow sighs. "I don't mean to shelter her, but I don't want her to have a breakdown when she's alone... I don't want her to run off... to hurt herself... I just want her to be safe... I want her to be okay. I can't stand seeing someone I love in pain." She tears up. 

"I know, but at a point, that will stress her out. Like it did just now." 

"You're right..." She sighs. "What do I do now? I- I made her mad..."

"You'll know what to do. Do you want a hug? Will that make you feel better?" 

Willow hugs her father. "Thank you, Dad." 

Outside, Mr. P was seated next to Boscha on the ground. The pink-haired witch was hugging her knees as she sat against the wall of the house. 

He had tried to get her to talk to him, but she wouldn't speak. He had tried to hug her, but she pushed him away. 

"May I ask why you got so angry about not being able to go alone?" 

The three-eyed witch remained silent. 

"It was very sudden of you to snap like that. You usually never want to be without her, but suddenly, it seems like you just can't stand to be near her." 

That caught her attention. She looked at him and shook her head frantically. "I- I still want to be with her! I just... well... I kinda have something I wanna do... but... I can't if she's with me..." 

"And what is it you wish to do?" 

"I want to get myself straightened out... my thoughts... my emotions... my feelings for her..." She draws a circle, making a small flower sprout from the ground. "I'm learning... I'm growing... I'm changing... but I- I wouldn't have all these opportunities... these chances... without her... I want to do something special for her, but I can't if she's right there... I can't figure out all of my thoughts if she keeps interrupting me when I'm trying to figure them out..."

Mr. P nods politely and signals for her to continue. She looks at him with a smile then turns to face forward again. 

"I'm tired of her thinking she needs to drop everything for me... She acts like she's the only person I can turn to now, but she's not... she's not because she helped me... she helped me change... she helped me take chances. I got my friends back... I have more friends... friends I never thought I'd have... she's made me so happy! I just want to make her happy in return... but I feel like all I do is hold her back... deny her the opportunity to move forward... I don't want it to stay like that... I- I want to be someone she can depend on... Someone she can turn to when she cries because I know I can depend on her! I know I can turn to her when I cry! I want to be the same for her. I want to comfort her like she comforts me... I want to hold her when she's upset just like she holds me! I want... I want to do so much for her... not only because she does so much for me... but because she means so much to me..." 

The dark-skinned man smiles. "Well, you have other friends you can talk to about this, don't you? They may be able to help you, and if you need time alone, you can go into the study. Now, that being said, you can always go to the library, just make sure to tell me or Charles where you're going. We'll take care of Willow."

"Can I... go to the library now?" 

He chuckles. "Of course, be safe and come home before dark." 

"Aye, sir." Boscha gets up and waves goodbye to Mr. P before running off. 

Frank walks back inside, telling Willow where Boscha had gone. This time though, Willow was a lot more understanding.
Chapter forty-four! Did you like it? I hope ya did...

"No offense but it kinda feels like you're running out of ideas"

NO! You sir/ma'am/whatever you may be, just don't know how to read all the details of a story! Chapter 43 was about some of the mental problems Boscha still has! She still fears that everyone will leave her because it already happened once! That pain... It doesn't go away just because you get people back in your life... That's not how it works... That being saidI do see where they were coming from... And maybe y'all do too... But still...

Anyway, I hope you all have a fabulous day and know


Published- 8-13-21 (Oh gosh, it's Friday the 13th.)

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