Nick I have heard that some of the ocs have magic so why not have them help you with your attack/mainly blue magic by honk42069

Nick: Oh yea I kind of figured it out.

Nick: Though I heard that Nova is the only one with Blue magic.

Nick: And I can't imagine that girl being a teacher/instructor.


Finch what's it like being the head guard as far as I know by honk42069

Finch: Its nice.

Finch: I get to tell what the guards to and stuff.

Finch: Tho it sucks that I have to walk around the whole Jr castle more then 10 times making sure no intruders come and yea.

Finch: But I usually go to missions sometimes so ye.


Harmony did you ever catch nick by honk42069

Harmony: ^^

Harmony: Yep! ^^


Who quit the duck duck goose game first by honk42069

Nightmare: Error-

Nightmare: he had enough with his haphephobia-


Aziel and fandom I am sorry about people exposing you and talking your past although how fucking old is aziel by honk42069

Fandom: its ok I guess. :/

Aziel: Eh I don't really care anymore as long as you memory erase them and ya.

Aziel: I'm barely 18.

Fandom: Oh wow.

Fandom: Your like the same age as me-

Fandom: Except-  your kind of older since you lived more then 500 years as an ded person-

Aziel: Now I wonder if its normal to have a child older then you-


I baked another pie and it's for Ink this time as it is made out of M&M's by Snowydraco

Ink: Oh yay! :D

Ani: I feel like thats gonna give you an sugar rush o_o

Ink: Hmm...

Ink: Nah it probably won't- *eats pie*



There were two lesbian pirates named Mary Read and Anne Bonny, they were really successful, and whenever they killed someone, they would show their breasts, to show the men they killed, that they were killed by a women. they fought side by side up until they were imprisoned, Mary died in prison but Anne survived and escaped, carried on Mary's legacy, and disappeared. by Velvet_Cakepops

Mary: Ooooo a pirate name Mary like me! :V *from the orphanage*

DancerDragon55: COmE BACK-


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