Chapter Thirteen: New Friends

Start from the beginning

We go on board. Hongjoong decides to navigate the ship this time while the rest of us sit down on the deck.
"Wow they are so cool. They seem so much more experienced than us.", Seonghwa says.
"I liked Bobby especially. He seems so care-free and optimistic.", Mingi adds.
"Their captain is also amazing. He is so handsome and seems so professional. I hope I can talk to him more. Maybe I could invite him over for dinner.", Wooyoung rambles with a big smiles and sparkling eyes. Yeosang giggles.
"Seems like you're eager to make him your friend. Don't scare him off again like you did with the cook back then.", he says.
Me and the others look confused at them.
"Ah... eh. When we were servants in the castle Wooyoung really wanted to become friends with the cook.
The cook was a bit shy and he got scared because Wooyoung was so talkative and touchy. He thought he just wanted him to trust him and then stab him in the back, get rid of him and take over his position. But they still became friends in the end.", Yeosang explains.
"I hope he is okay.", Wooyoung says. He seems a little bit sad for a second.
We play rock, paper, scissors for a bit.
The loser gets hit on the forehead.
"Rock, paper, scissor.", we shout.
San loses the round.
"Eek.", he exclaims as I hit him on the forehead.
"Rock, paper, scissors."
Mingi loses this time.
"Ahh no.", he shouts while throwing himself to the ground.
The next round Seonghwa is the loser, then Mingi loses again and San also loses another round.
"Okay for the last round. The loser gets hit by Jongho.", I announce.
The others look at Jongho fearfully. The youngest crewmate laughs evilly and cracks his knuckles.
"Rock, paper, scissors."
I choose scissor which was the right decision. Only Wooyoung, San and Mingi are left. Wooyoung wins.
"Yeees! Thank god!", he screams.
Which leaves only San and Mingi.
"Rock, paper, scissors."
San shows rock while Mingi shows scissor. San cheers and hugs me.
Mingi rolls around on the floor and whines.
"My time has finally come.", Jongho says with a mischievous grin on his face.
"Maybe we should support Mingi's neck, just in case.", Seonghwa says.
He sits down behind Mingi and holds his neck. Jongho gets in position to hit him. Mingi closes his eyes. It makes a really loud sound when Jongho hits Mingi who falls backwards into Seonghwa's lap.
"Whoa. That sound. Are you still alive Mingi?", Yeosang asks.
"I'm not sure."
"Sorry.", Jongho says, giggles and ruffles through Mingi's hair.

Then we reach the island. It is not a very big island and there is only a forest on it. We meet the other crew in front of our ship.
"From what we've heard, the entrance to the ruin must be somewhere in this forest. I mean it is also the only thing on this island... Ehh... so, yeah..., let's go. ", Jay says.
We follow him into the forest and keep an eye open for anything that could be an entrance to the ruin.
"Do you know what awaits us in the ruin? Last time we were in one, there was a puzzle that we had to solve.", Mingi asks Bobby.
"Nah, no idea, man. We heard about the ruin from two adventures who didn't come very far because you apparently need several people to open the first door. We'll see it when we get there."
"I just hope that there aren't any dangerous traps or something like that.", Seonghwa says.
"There can be traps?! ", Chan asks.
"Hongjoong said he and his parents had some traps in one ruin."
"It's okay, Chan. Just stick to us and be careful. We will send Jay ahead anyways, so he will be the first one to fall into the traps.", June comments.
"That's good."
"Yeah, yeah. Just send me out to die. Seems like I can't really count on you again.", Jay says. His crew giggles. Apparently we are not the only crew that likes to tease their captain.

We search for an hour until I finally discover something. There are stairs that lead downwards hidden behind some bushes.
"Hey over here!", I shout. The others run over to me.
"Good job, puppy.", San says.
"It looks like it's going to be dark down there. Did you bring torches?", Song asks.
"Of course.", Hongjoong says.
We take out our torches and slowly go down the stairs. We reach a stone door that is half way open. One by one we go through the opening. On the other side of the door is a big room with a bunch of pressure plates on the floor. On the other side of the room is a big closed door and on the sides are reliefs.
The pressure plates are arranged kind of weirdly. In the first row are two pressure plates with a big gap between them. The second row has only one pressure plate in the middle. In the third row are three pressure plates next to each other and the last row has one pressure plate in the middle again.
"What's this?", June asks.
"A puzzle, obviously. But how do we solve it?", DK replies.
"Let's take a look around and see if we find any clues.", Jongho suggests.
"Okay but don't press anything, kids.", Jay says.
I take a look at the reliefs. San follows me. The relief shows people standing around what I think is a lake that is surrounded by palm-trees on a sunny day. San quickly moves from one relief to another while I am taking a closer look at the first one. Maybe there is a secret clue hidden in them.
Could the position of the sun be a clue.
"Guys, isn't it easy?", San suddenly says, "Each pressure plate represents one country in Wolkmaar, their position is the same as on maps of Wolkmaar and reliefs show four different countries. We just got to stand on the four pressure plates that represent the countries that are shown."
"I don't think that's it, San.", our captain says.
"Let's take a closer look at the pressure plates, San.", Seonghwa suggests.
San pouts and waddles over to Seonghwa.

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