Chapter 4 The Contesting Heart

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Week's later

Shawn's Notebook (Diary)

Night 13 Entry #13

Been a few weeks since I helped the minutemen get back on there feet. There looking about taking back a castle... It's old... Ruins. But mostly intact somehow. Sadly seems infested with Mirulirks and a Queen of them, which according to Deathy. Is larger then her... For now. I say this this because, Recently I've noticed, and found out, Deathclaws growth is the same process that Gators use. They continue to grow until they cant sustains enough food to continue operating or I suppose living is a better term to words... So since... Well... I've been bringing her along... and she seems to like enjoying a few of every little thing I kill big or small... Hell even her own kind now at times if there not to big. She's grown... Far to big I should say. I thought the Alpha Deathclaw back in Concord was large... She's TWICE it's size now... it's... Scary. Because now she's been kind of... Threatening with me. She's been pissy about how I'm still not mating her, Guess it's the Role of a Alpha deathclaw to do so and she's gotten impatient. Before I didn't want to... because it's just down right wrong. I'm fine being her lover like this. But I drew the line at intercourse with another species. You Know for decency! Now it's... That along with. . . The fear of being crushed to death if we did mate... She's well over 15 TONS Do you know how fast she could kill me by simply laying the end of her tail atop me!? Guess I can't do much... Just hope she doesn't end up going through with what she says. She's threatened to leave and find a real alpha many times because of my denials to mating her. But most recently she threatened to just eat me out right. That only happened once. So... I hope it was just her being tempered and not genuine.

Day/Morning 14 Entry #14

It happened this morning... I don't know if it was the Buffout or the Mentads... But I managed to not only survive her. But take control during matting. When all said and done I felt a mix of Pure shame in myself, Simply for allowing this relationship with a Different Species from myself... to go this far... Just plain inhuman and wrong in all formats of nature... But also a mix of love... and enjoyment. Not sure why but seeing a large beast... so capable that it easily could throw a damn loaded bus across a roadway... Made defenseless and just weakened and defeated in a sexual act with me gave me a new meaning of confidents... I know sickening to say... Let alone think but... It's just the truth. Reminds me that everything out here... However strong... Different... or crooked is at the end of the day alive... and has the same lusts, feelings, and overall emotional and pleasure full weaknesses as the next. As of right now she is sleeping. Poor girls tuckered out after all that. When she's done I plan to check out a seemingly old military frequency that came up on my pitboy... I haven't had a chance to listen to it... Don't wish to disturb Deathy... She's a peaceful giant when she sleeps. But when she does I will... For now I guess I'm just waiting around Jalberts Brothers Disposal... Might Clean my T45 a bit... Do some armatures repairs on it best I can with out a Cherry Picker. (Power Armor station) Should be a little easier with my other arm healed.

---Shawn Pov---

"Ahhh, Their... Much better~" I outspeak with joy and delight in myself! My T45 is freshly cleaned, Managed to sand down all the surface rust! Even found some old Paint buckets in a scrap pile and repainted it Minutemen Skem! A uncomfortable moist and wet feeling runs up my legs back and ends off the back of my head of hair... The rotten smell of digested creatures fill my nonsterols a smell I know fairly well... and no matter how nasty it is, it's officiated with a good smell to me, because it's from a good person to me. A Reptile toned Purring sounds off for a moment behind me as I turn back with a loving look. "Goodmorning Too you too" I Tell her in a casual and normally worded sentence. She's laying on the ground, to be head height with me, she gives a cute smile as her tail bashes side to side on the ground making craters. She's just a giant baby sometimes... I turn towards her and place a hand gently on the side of her nose and place a kiss on the center of her nose. 

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