Chapter 2 -- The one who stayed

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3rd POV


That was all Sang was feeling. She knew her life, the boys was all too good to be true. She was heartbroken not by 1 but 8 boys. Also the pain of leaving North was too much for her to handle. She wanted to cry and shout at them. Curse them for breaking all those promises of forever. But that would not bring them back.

She found herself at a park where childrens were playing with their parents, oh how much she wished she had that. She sat down at a bench trying to control her tears. She didn't want to cry.

Suddenly it started raining. In few minutes the park was empty except her. Where would she go?

At that time she realised that, She was alone..


And with that the dam broke. She started sobbing. She was drenched in rain. Alone, vulnerable, heartbroken, angry...

Before she could think of something she heard hurried footsteps coming towards her.


North rushed to his jeep, loading his belongings he gazed a last time at the house that he imagined his future in with his brothers and Sang. He could see his brothers standing at the door looking at him with various emotions, sadness, anger and... a tiny speck of regret. This is just the beginning  he thought. With that he left to find his Sang Baby.

While driving it suddenly started raining. There were thousand thoughts in his mind. Is Sang Baby ok? Is she safe? What if something happened to her? What if I never find her? What if I am late?

These thoughts made him worried and he started driving like a madman searching the streets when he saw a figure drenched in rain sitting on a park bench.

Sang Baby...

He rushed out of his jeep towards her to hear her sobbing. It pierced his heart to realise that he and his brother are the reason behind that.

As he reached her, she looked at him. He lifted her and embraced her tightly as if his life depended on her. And actually it did.

" That was the last time you ran away from me Sang Baby. From now I am never letting you go. Its both of us against the world. " North stated and then kissed her pouring all his love in it.

" But North- " Sang started only to be cut off by North who kissed her again.

" Nothing will change my decision so you better accept it Sang. You didn't break the family, they did, when they decided to have a family meeting without you. When they decided to act like those disgusting boys who leave their girl after their purpose is complete. " North stated affirmitively.

He carried her and her beloging, that was kept under a tree, to his jeep. He kept her belongings with his at the back of the jeep and placed Sang on the passenger seat, securing the seatbelt.
He himself settled on the driver seat and drove to his trailer where he used to live before.

He intertwined his fingers with Sang's the whole way and Sang kept playing with his fingers.

No words were said as they sat in a comfortable silence thinking about the future. One thing was sure that they have to visit Dr. Roberts first thing in the morning.

They reached the trailer. North parked his jeep near the entrance and and together they went inside.

" Sang Baby, use my bathroom and get freshen up or else you will catch cold. Take one of my shirts to sleep in. I will use the other bathroom. " North instructed.

Sang stared at him few seconds in awe and then smiled and said " Ok North. "

After sometime..

Sang came out of the room in one of North's shirt and a pair of shorts to see him making dinner with soup. He was shirtless with a pair of shorts.

North saw her coming and handed her the soup fearing she would catch cold due to being wet in the rain. Sang noticed this and smiled, ever the protective and worrying one.

They ate their dinner silently, stealing glances of each other. After dinner they washed the dishes together and went to bed.

They got under covers and North held Sang by her waist bringing her closer to him. Sang embraced him and took in his scent that always clamed her.

They looked at each other and said..

" I love you Sang Baby. "

" I love you North Star. "

That night they slept peacefully even after all the previous events because at the end they had each other. Thats all they needed.

For North, it was his best decision to stay.

For Sang, North was now her everything now because... He was the one who stayed..

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