Chapter 1 -- Decisions

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3rd POV

" I am willing and I will obey " they said in unison


The others were shocked. Throughout the meeting North was quiet and didn't say a word but seeing him opposing them now left them quiet baffled.

North couldn't believe what they were doing,especially Silas, his bestfriend and closest brother, having a family meeting without Sang Baby and deciding to breakup with her just as the mission is over. He knew Sang needed them the most now that the Ashley Waters mission is done and Volto is dealt with.

" Have you guys fucking lost your minds? Sang Baby needs us the most now and you all are backing out as if she was some fucking tool to complete the mission? " North asked in disbelief.

" Don't fucking say that North " Gabriel shouted.

" Mr. Taylor Jr. we assure you that she was not a tool. But we think that what we have with her is just puppy love or protective instinct. We are not leaving her stray rather we will help her settle down continue with her life, but we just do not want to continue with this relationship. " Mr. Blackbourne replied.

" We think that we should go out and date other girls. Maybe we will realise that Peanut is just a temporary attraction. " Nathan stated

" No! My decision is the same. For me Sang Baby is the one. I fucking love her and will not fucking leave her based on some stupid decisions by some bunch of jerks. " North announced

" So you want to go against family even when the majority of votes is in favour? You are choosing a girl over your brothers? " Kota asked in disbelief.

" Yes! Fuck brothers, fuck family, fuck this Academy. I don't remember my brothers being jerks. I don't remember having a family that ups and decides that they don't love the girl they used to love. Academy be damned, I don't want a part in it. " North says

Everyone stares at him in disbelief, hurt, anger and sadness, awaiting for his next words when..

" No North Star, don't do this. They are your brothers. They have been with you for years, they love you. " Sang said nearly in tears.

Sang couldn't believe something like this would happen when Karen dropped her at their family house after working on a song she has written for the boys. She heard the whole discussion. For her it was like her nightmare has come true. Her mother was right, she is a whore. Who in the right mind loves 9 men, who don't feel the same. Yes, she knew North was with her, but she would never want to break the family.

" Yes.. I am hurt, angry and disappointed in them but don't you boys say "Bros before hoes"huh? "She stated bitterly.

The boys winced. This was the first time they had heard Sang using the word 'hoes' for herself without her mothers influence.

" Don't say that Cupcake. You are not- " Luke started only to be cut off by Sang.

" Don't Luke. I am stating the truth nothing else. Falling in love with 8 men who don't have the same feelings, what was I thinking?? Ofcourse I am a whore. " Sang laughed bitterly.

" You are NOT a whore Sang, they are jerks. They are the one switched their feeling as soon as the mission was over and your help was not needed. I love you Sang Baby. Always have and always will. And nothing you will say will change my decision! " North stated affirmatively cupping Sang's cheeks.

" Please North Star don't. I don't want to break this family. " Sang pleaded to North with tears running down her cheeks.

" No, my decision is final. I am leaving this team and retiring from the Academy " North announced.

This started a uproar from the boys who started shouting and opposing North's decision. It was a ruckus.

Sang couldn't take it she slipped into her room, packed her belonging, left her phone and everything that was gifted to her by those other 8 boys. She even left all her clothes that the boys had given her. Everything she had now was her old clothes she had kept from before the boys had came to her life and things that North had gifted to her. She wanted to keep them to remember North, the one who loved her against all odds. As much as she wanted North with her, she knew she can't. She was scared that North would also fall out of love with her and leave her alone.

With that she quietly slipped out from the door and left her house, not hers, their house.

" Enough!! "Mr. Blackbourne shouted.

The boys reluctantly settled down. At that moment Silas realised that Sang is missing. He started searching for her in the living room. This made the others realise the same.

" Where is Pookie? " Sean asked.

'Aeggle mou!'
'Ms. Sorenson!'
'Sang Baby!'

They all shouted simultaneously and started searching for her. Gabriel and Victor reached her room and started searching and realised that all her previous belongings are gone and the thing given by them on the dresser.

" Princess left. " Victor said

They informed everyone in the living room of what they saw and that Sang had left. The boys felt guilt at the moment knowing that she didn't take any of their gifts. It hurt but they knew they bought this to themselves. Before they could think more they saw North coming out of his room with his belonging with a scrowl on his face.

North didn't want to stay here any more minute. He was determined to first find Sang and then apply for his retirement to Dr. Roberts. He looked at his 'brothers' and stated bitterly

" You are going to fucking regret this decision. Mark my fucking words. "

The others didn't know how true these words are gonna be.

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