𝑳𝒆𝒕𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝑻𝒘𝒐.

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Dear Simone,

I saw you today. Your beauty never seizes to amaze me. The way your eyes sparkle when you read, or you talk to somebody new, even though you are shy.

Did I tell you that I have met you? We talked a last week. Your voice is like honey. The sweetness draws me in. You talk with so much respect and care for people you've just met.

Now, I have to cut this letter short because I have to get back to work. But, I want to give you something. I saw that you were cold in these November winds, so I wanted to give you a hat. Once I saw the hat, I just knew I needed to get it for you. You'll look so cute in it with your red nose and cheeks. God, I can already imagine you wearing the hat!

Goodbye, Simone.

Yours Truly,
Your Secret Admirer <3

Yours Truly, Your Secret Admirer <3

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