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I feel a tap on my shoulder as somebody whispers, "Hey."

I can feel my heart beating against my chest. I slowly turn around and see the barber from the shop across my own. I start to smile, "Hi— sorry I don't know your name."

"Oh right!" He chuckles. "I should probably tell you my name. My name is Thomas."

"Thomas," I say testing out his name. Thomas can't seem to stand still. He's jumping foot-to-foot. "Are you nervous?"

"I mean I've been dreaming of this day since I saw you applying at the store."

"Wait, so when you came to the store, I was the girl you wanted to talk to?" I ask. 

Thomas scratches the back of his neck nervously, "Yes, I was going to talk to you. But then, I had the idea to write letters to you."

"Well, since you started writing letters to me, I thought if I write back maybe I'd fall in love," I say blushing. 

Thomas smiles widely, "Are we in love, Simone?" My faces turns a darker shade of red. "May I hold you hand?"

I reply sheepishly, "Yes."

We both reach out and intertwine our fingers. We stand side by side and look up to look at the countdown. "I know that we might be moving too fast, but it's almost midnight. So if you'd like, we can kiss, or if you don't feel comfortable, we can hug."

Thomas continues to ramble on. I start to giggle, "I'd like to kiss you."

Everybody starts to countdown from ten. We turn and face each other. We count along with everybody else in the park. 

"Two. One." We both yell. 

Thomas gently leans down to my height and I crane my head up to meet him half-way. He places his lips upon my own. Our lips move in unison. We both gently pull back. 

"Wow," we both whisper against each others lips. "That was my first kiss."

We both start to laugh. "Wait, that was your first kiss?" I say to him. 

"Yup," Thomas says. 

"But, you're so cute. How is it possible that nobody has kissed you?"

"I've been waiting for you."

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