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After received my secret admirer's letter, I have been trying to think of questions, but my mind is blank. A blank void of no thoughts. My secret admirer's idea about asking each other questions was great. But, now I can't think of a single question to ask him besides what his name is.

For two days, I have been thinking about him. A hand waves in front of my face, "Si! We've been trying to call you for like five minutes."

I smile meekly, "Sorry, guys. My mind has been filled with this secret admirer letter I got."

All the girls sit up straighter, more intrigued. They motion me to continue talking, "He said that we should ask each other questions through our letters. But all I can think of is asking his name. Do any of you have an idea of what I should ask?"

Everybody puts on their own thinking face: Amy with her tongue sticking out, Sophia with her eyebrows scrunched up, Claire with her nose scrunched up, and Jade gently tugging at her earring. I silently laugh at how funny they look.

My eyes get diverted by the paintings in the cafeteria. The beautiful shades of blue and yellow mixed together to recreate The Starry Night. A ding sound takes me out of my daydream. I look around the quizzically, but realize that Amy is the only one who does this. "I have a question."

"Okay, shoot."

"So we have confirmation that the secret admirer is a boy, correct?" I nod. "Well, if he sends you these letters at the mall, that means he has to live near there to have even seen you the first time. That can only mean that he is either at the public high school that is ten minutes away, or the college that is twenty minutes away."

"So, you are saying that I should ask what school he goes to?" I ask, which Amy nods in reply.

Claire exclaims, "You should ask how old he is."

I grab my phone and type these questions into my notes app, so I don't forget. I have the memory of fish and tend to forget what I need to write a few seconds later. Sophia shrieks, "Our little baby might be dating a college boy!"

"We aren't dating."

"They aren't dating," Jade and I say at the same time.

I look at her only to see a glare. Jade can be mean sometimes, but she has been my friend since I was five. Some other girls were bullying me and she saved me. She was put on the timeout chair for twenty minutes. In my kindergarten eyes, that was the greatest amount of affection anyone can display for another, risking playtime. Oh the things I would do to go back to kindergarten. I sigh happily, and bring myself back to the real world.

"I wonder if Si's boyfriend is cute? I hope he has good hair," Claire states bluntly.

"Honestly I don't care about what he looks like. I think these letters are letting me get to know him without the whole looks thing, which I appreciate. I mean I'm not opposed to him if he's cute, but him having nice hair won't determine whether or not I like him," I rant.

"Okay. Okay, we understand Simone."


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