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Thomas and I have been engaged for one year and have since moved in together. We got an apartment in between both of our colleges. I wake up from my slumber with a heavy head and a stuffy nose.

I awaken Thomas my sneezing profusely. "Darling, are you okay?" Thomas's groggy voice asks.

"I think," I cough out. "I'm sick."

"My poor baby," he says fully awake now. He hugs me closely. "Do you want to maybe brush your teeth as I make something for breakfast?"

I nod. I get up from bed but feel a wash of dizziness fall over me. I sit back down on the bed. Thomas tells me to keep seating. He runs and grabs me juice to start off. I stay in bed as Thomas turns on the TV and hands me the remote. I scroll through Netflix as Thomas makes me some breakfast.

Thomas brings back some tomato soup after ten minutes. He sits in our bed and places the tray on his lap. He feeds me slowly.

After I am done eating, Thomas lies down and brings me closer to cuddle. Every few hours, he gives me a refill of orange juice with some medicine. We both spend most of the day sleeping.

 We both spend most of the day sleeping

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