Not a Chapter: What Next

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As you may know, the chapter after this one is the very last chapter of this story.

This means that I need to know what my few readers would like me to write after this.

Here is how this'll work.

I'm gonna write out my idea underlined, and beneath that there will be the different variations of that idea.

You can vote on however may ideas you would like.

The way to vote is by commenting not the underlined portion, but one of the ideas below it.

If you can't choose but you still want that underlined topic, just comment on everything beneath it.

I assure you this is not just to get more comments, it's because I really care about your feedback.

Feel free to write whatever you want in a comment, whether its just a period or if you write out a detailed idea of how the story should go, It's the thought that counts.

And the comment, the comment counts too.

I don't have a lot of readers though, so the deal is that which ever thingy gets 10 unique people to comment on it first is what I'll choose.

Anyways, let's get started.

I could write a Young Justice story that narrows in on one specific (original group) character.

- Robin

- Kid Flash

- Aqualad

- Superboy

- Miss Martian

- Artemis

I've told you that I already had a story about Nightingale, and if you want I could right a story about her.

- I could right her into young justice, starting with her origins and then having a chapter to correspond with each episode of season one. (This is my personal favorite out of the options because I would be watching the episodes to get every detail and dialogue and that sounds like a lot of fun)

- I could right a first person story that is only about her origins but goes into more detail than the option above.

I might right a sequel to this book (Even though it doesn't really need one in my opinion)

- Something happens that sends both you and Robin into your world/the real world, and you need to get back.

- The exact same story as this one (Can It Be) with the exact same chapters, but it's a first person story from robin's point of view.

On a totally separate note, a story about Wasp from the show called Earth's Mightiest Heroes (Find it on Disney + and watch season 1. The Wasp from this show is literally my favorite superhero ever)

- Wasp gets captured and the avengers need to come to her rescue

- Wasp loses her powers somehow and needs to get them back to save the other Avengers

Or I could do another second person story that is all abut you.

- You grew up in Central City, but one day when you were on a field trip to STAR Labs, something happened to change your life forever

- A choose your own adventure as Robin (Dick Grayson) It would be my first choose your own adventure though, just a warning.

Thanks for taking your time to deal with me, enjoy the final chapter :)

Update: I have officially started my next big project, bigger than this one by far, and if y'all liked this one, look into it. It's similar but much better now that I've taken a few writing classes. It's  Robin x Vampire Reader storyline that follows the show pretty well, if I say so myself. That's all, thank you.

Thanks for taking your time to deal with me some more, enjoy the final chapter :)

Can It Be? Robin(Dick Grayson) x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now