Just a Normal-ish Morning

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Beep Beep Beep

You opened your eyes slowly and took a minute to wake up. After realizing your third alarm of the morning was going off like crazy, you quickly turned it off and got out of bed. The last few days went by fairly quickly and today was the day that school started up again after the much appreciated winter break.

You reluctantly completed your morning routine, still tired and still disliking mornings, and headed down the stairs with all of your winter break homework packets in hand. The next thing you knew you were standing with your coat, shoes, and backpack, grabbing a pop tart for the road and setting off.

The walk to the bus stop was a familiar one and you had mastered the art of taking the exact time it takes to finish a pop tart. The city was your home, so you had long since been used to taking a public Metro bus to school, even if you preferred taking the underground Metro train whenever it wasn't under construction. But it was, so you sat and waited for the bus.

You got on and made your way to the back to find a seat. Luckily enough, there just happened to be an empty seat next to where Stacy just sat down. Stacy was your neighbor and was only a fifth grader, but you could still maintain a bus trip long conversation and that was enough.

"Hey Stacy mind if I sit?" You looked down and smiled. And once she nodded you swung your bag around into your lap and sat down. "So how is fifth grade treatin' ya? Did they get rid of that horrible science teacher who was even teaching back when I was a fifth grader?"

Stacy looked like you had lit a fuse and she was about to explode, but before she had the chance to finish assembling the perfect chain of words to describe said science teacher, you cut her off. "What in the world is that building?" Stacy then looked out the window and looked back really confused, she had seemed to forget about her anger for a moment.

"Are you kidding? It's the Hall of Justice." You looked at her for a second before completely bursting out into laughter, probably drawing the eyes of some other passengers. "What's so funny about the Hall of Justice? The Justice league keeps us safe from tons of threats, why are you treating their headquarters like it's some sort of joke?"

You slowly regained your cool and looked Stacy dead in the eyes to see behind the prank she was pulling, but that's just it, why would she pull a prank on you? You weren't friends, and you were barely neighbors, so why was she pretending that things from DC comics were real? "If the Hall of Justice is real, then what about Gotham City? And what about S.T.A.R. Labs? And what about the Daily Planet?"

Stacy continued to look at you like you had absolutely lost it. "Yes Gotham City is real, one of my friends has family there. Of course the Flash is real, who else could have put away all of the Meta-humans? and about the Daily Planet..." You looked down at the crossword puzzle you hadn't even realized she was working on before you showed up, and right across the top, clear as day, the newspaper said THE DAILY PLANET in bold letters.

"I got this from my uncle who not only lives in Metropolis, but is also pretty bad at crossword puzzles..." It may have been rude, but you tuned her out. Something was wrong. You don't usually ride the bus to school, but it definitely wasn't always this crazy. Are superheroes real now? Is the whole justice league an actual thing?! Does that mean Robin is real!

"Y/N, Y/N... are you OK?" You realized you were grinning like a maniac and quickly stopped. "What is wrong with you today? You've been acting totally weird not believing the Justice League is real, and then after I showed you my newspaper, you started smiling like you had just cracked Batman's identity or something." But you knew the Bat's identity, Bruce Wayne, but hold the phone, if Batman is real in that world, wherever you are, then that means that nobody else actually knows about all this stuff! And being the superhero geek you are, reading some of the comics, watching some of the shows, spending your time on fanfictions, you probably know the secret IDs of at least half of the super-population!

Realizing you had done it again, you decreased your smile by the largest amount you could and responded. "I'm fine Stacy, I'm just really excited to be back in school for the new year." It wasn't a lie, well not anymore, if superheroes really existed, something great had happened and it felt like your luck was turning around once and for all.

Thank you for reading my second ever chapter! I know it's gotten a little confusing, but let me sum it up for you, Superheroes are Real! You are about to go to school, and that's when it'll start to get juicy. I still don't know much about DC and it's Metro systems, but my friend in DC is still helping me out here and there, and again, sorry if anything's off.

Anyways, I might not update for a while, but I am a Kit-Kat-a-rang, so I'll always come back. (If anyone hadn't noticed, Kit-Kat-a-rang is basically a mix between my favorite chocolate bar and a batarang, which a mix between bat and boomerang, which are things that always come back :)

Until next time, bye!

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